Best Tid Bits of Advice on Real Estate Investment I've Heard
Friday, August 08
So this will be a rapid fire list of quotes, advice and tidbits of experience I've come across that I've taken to heart and have helped me immensely. Hopefully you'll find some of these things useful:- Treat real estate like a business, not a hobby- Don't make friends with your tenants- Be fair, ...
Funniest Things I've Seen As a Real Estate Investor: Part 1
Thursday, August 07
I, like most investors I suspect, have seen some absolutely ridiculous things on the job. Some DIY jobs just should have never been attempted. So in the first of a multi-part series, I present you with the best (worst?) of the monstrosities I've bore witness too:Best Cabinet Paint Selection EverB...
Location, Location, Location and a Bunch of Other Stuff
Tuesday, August 05
It's often said that the three most important things in real estate are location, location and location. It's cute, but it leaves out a lot. I would make the list as follows:- Price (everything is worth it at some price, even though that is sometimes a negative number)- Location (obviously)- Fit ...
Getting Things Done: A Valuable Tool For Real Estate Investors
Monday, August 04
Any investor who hasn't looked into David Allen's Getting Things Done needs to give it a try. The book is great and I think the seminar is even better. Basically, what David Allen learned is that the human mind is great for coming up with ideas, but not great for storing them. So you need a trust...
Customer Service in Property Management
Saturday, August 02
If you are a landlord, you know that dealing with tenants can be a huge pain. There is a precarious balance one must reach between being too soft and too mean. First and foremost, property management is not for the faint of heart or those with thin skin. Some tenants will be utterly vicious becau...
Friday, August 01
I wrote an old post on my blog about Gurunomics, particularly regarding the bad gurus. I thought I would share my story here about one of the particluarly bad ones. Just be careful what you pay for regarding these things. Some are good, but many, probably most, are useless:First are the TV commer...