Attention Newbies: Someone Is Reading Your Blog
I’ve been a member of BiggerPockets since July 30th of 2013 and never did I think that 9 months ago I’d be sitting here writing about my successes and struggles as a new real estate investor.Even as a new investor I am discovering that people out there are interested in reading my blog.I used to ask myself what’s the point in writing a blog when no one is reading it.I didn’t have any comments or retweets of my blog so why keep writing?The other night I had a gentleman come up to me in our local REIA group and tell me that he enjoyed the blog post I wrote on bigger pockets about the challenges of investing in Indianapolis.Talk about more motivation to write!That’s all the motivation I needed.Someone in my Indianapolis investor network valued my contribution and the sharing of my knowledge.
No matter how new you are to investing you have something of value that you can share with others in the community.You have to remember that there are others just like you in your own backyard that are experiencing the same struggles and successes you are as an investor.It doesn’t matter if you are not as experienced as the J. Scott or Sharon Vornholt’s of the BiggerPockets community.You have to realize that it’s more important to make connections on a personal level with other investors in your area.This is exactly why BiggerPockets created the ability to search for other investors that are local to you.You can even search by zip code.If you update your personal blog regularly, have a voice, share your knowledge, and keep it honest, then someone in your local community will read and learn from your blog.
You may think no one reads your blog because no one is commenting, or retweeting the same way people comment on Brandon Turners Blog.Do you think Brandon Turner or any of the other bloggers that are featured on the BiggerPockets blog gave up after a few posts? If every blogger on BiggerPockets gave up after a few posts with no comments, shares, or retweets, then there would be no BiggerPockets Blog.
Comments (15)
Ben, You Cool and I am reading and learning. Thanks to You and All the members of BP who show and tell. Us Newbies need all the help we can get. Sincerely, Tom
Tom Keith, over 10 years ago
Nice, Ben!
For the record, people only comment on mine when I piss them off :)
Ben Leybovich, over 10 years ago
That's not true Ben! I can remember counting on a post of yours complimenting you and being in awe of how you are able to articulate your thoughts. I'm working on it.
Ben G., over 10 years ago
Good stuff Ben. I realize you wrote this some time ago, but I just stumbled on to it. It was kind of shocking to see my name next to J. Scott's and Sharon Vornholt's....It wasn't so long ago I was sitting EXACTLY where you are (or were when you wrote this). Brand new and soaking it all up.
It's been 4 years since I wrote my first BP Blog post I was celebrating my first real success and reveling in the power of BiggerPockets.com. I've spent more time on the forums than I have blogging, and even at that, my post count hasn't even hit 1000 yet. I spend the most time PMing and emailing with colleagues.
Just keep doing what you're doing and it won't be long until someone is recognizing you as the experienced one.
Jerry Puckett, over 10 years ago
Ben G., over 10 years ago
@Ben G. It is because of this blog, that I have started blogging. You are absolutely right when you say you never know who is reading it. It has lead to a very eye opening experience. I originally thought, just posting in a few forums was ok. Here and there not much involvement.
Then, when you get asked to explain your answer to a question, you might as well have written a blog about it. Some descriptions, answers, or concepts aren't easy to explain in a few sentences. It can take a few paragraphs or more.
Writing a response in a forum post limits your audience to only those who have read the post. So I figured why not write a blog. Here's why. Blogs can help build your credibility, knowledge and drive in real estate investing. Blogs don't limit your audience to just those who have read the forum post. You can have a reader who never saw the post read your blog and fully comprehend what you are saying.
So I owe you a big thank you Ben. This one little post, just shows how easy you can help change the way people think. I change how I think about blogs.
Richard D., over 10 years ago
I totally agree with your reasoning and your reasoning was major motivation for me to start my own blog.
I'm glad that you got started. I'll have to check out your blog. Just keep updating it, don't give up, or you'll never get any momentum.
Ben G., over 10 years ago
Thanks for the words of encouragement!
Ronald Perich, over 10 years ago
@Ronald Perich no problem. Hope you have started your blog!
Ben G., over 10 years ago
Wise words! I'm in those very same shoes now!
Frankie Woods, over 10 years ago
Keep writing @Frankie Woods !
Ben G., over 10 years ago
Very well said sir!
Dave Visaya, almost 11 years ago
Thank you David. Do you have a blog?
Ben G., almost 11 years ago
Nice post, Ben. People are watching and reading . . . you may not always get feedback, but as you give of yourself, you'll find that it comes back around. This is true both here on the blogs and as you engage on the forums.
Joshua Dorkin, almost 11 years ago
Thank you for the kind words Josh. I totally wasn't expecting any comments but it's nice to know that people are out their reading what I'm writing!
Ben G., almost 11 years ago