I've attended my 3rd Sean Terry real estate seminar which was in Scottsdale, AZ. Sean Terry from flip2Freedom.com has now giving 4 live events. Anyway on the 1st day I ran into a guy I met at the Extreme freedom Challenge in Dallas, TX in 2012. Lets Call him Paul . So when I seen Paul , I hugged him ask him how has he been. We were both smiling from ear to ear. Then I pop the question on him. Have you done your 1st deal yet? He looked at me and said no. I was very disappointed like a father who Daughter got pregnant on prom night. I said "Dude What The Hell?" . He responded in a shameful look saying "I know I know". I must Say Sean Terry real estate seminars are not like any other real estate seminars I been to. Sean gives you a complete detail plan to get started. He also gives you a complete plan to take your business to the next level. Sean him self tells you that you can get all the information on his podcast to get started.
Lets back track to September 2012 in Dallas , TX. This was my first Sean Terry event. I was just fired from my Job. I just lost my Grandfather the same week. I was doing real estate deals like every other month or 2. Now my Friend Paul was sitting right behind me in the same real estate seminar. Anyway after the 3day seminar I was pumped and ready to flip city hall. The 1 thing I actually love about these groups is the people you network with. We got a Mastermind going one night and paul was their. Someone by the name of Johnny decided to start a Face book group so that we can all stay in touch and help each other out with our real estate goals. Also we decided to do Mastermind calls once a month to help out folks who have not done a real estate deal. Well the Mastermind Call idea got thrown in my lap. However I did not mind. We started the group Johnny invited everyone in the group and folks were super excited. Johnny even invited Sean Terry into the group. Well Johnny never attended 1 mastermind call. He barely even participated in the face book Group HE CREATED. I asked Johnny after the 1st call "why did he not attend?" This guy said in the face book group he created that he could not attend because Sundays are for his Girl friend. Im thinking to myself dude you cant get away from her for a hour to pursue your goals? this is you fucking life we are talking about. This goes back to the Famous Eric Thomas video when he said" You must want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe. As far as Paul he never got on 1 mastermind call. At that time he did not have a face book page. Well after about 2 month participation for these calls dropped drastically.
Now its 2013 February in Atlanta at the Sean Terry event. I am in a place in my business where I am closing deals consistently. At the time of this event the biggest month I had was 10k. I was happy with that due to my low expectation at the time. Anyway Paul and Johnny both decide to show up. Paul has not done a deal we all try to talk to him. OF course he said he will do this and that. Johnny said the same thing exact thing he will do something this time. During the event another friend of ours told a story on his first deal on stage. Lets call him Mike he said that his wife told him before Dallas, Texas event "Look you been going to these real estate seminars for 10 years and you have not done anything with it, THIS IS THE LAST EVENT YOU CAN GO TO". He told that story to one of Sean employee's at the event. Sean Employee told him "I agree with your wife, if you not going to take action why come". Guess what my friend Mike went back home to do a deal. Sometimes we need a pat in the back and other times we need a kick in the ass. At the event Johnny went to dinner with us 1 night. We ate at Benihana at that dinner table was the Real estate rock star Todd Toback from the No Limits podcast. Todd was dropping Knowledge on us about life & business. That conversation with told helped me out with my business and my plan to get my father to the super bowl. So last day of the event I talk to Paul about taking action. He said he will and he is going to join face book to stay motivated. He sends me a request on Face book but never gets on it. That's fine he gave me his email as well to remind him of the mastermind calls. He still never attended 1 call. As for as Johnny he never attended a call either. However he did do a mailing or two but no deals. And disappeared from face book.
2014 April at the Sean Terry event. My biggest month to date is 31k, I am working on a rehab and working on buying a rental. My dream was to become a successful real estate investor. I am not successful yet but I am making steps towards my goals. I decided to no longer do the unofficial flip2freedom master mind calls because the lack of dedication from others. Every body is excited the 1st 2months but after that they go back to getting beat up by life flushing their goals down the toilet. So back to Paul, he has attended 3 event that had to at least run him 1k with room, flight and to eat for the weekend. Why does he not take action? I was speaking to a mutual friend of ours who I also met in 2012 in Dallas. Well Paul makes very good money and trade stocks as well. So Paul is Very comfortable and does not need to succeed in real estate to pay his bills. But why does Paul keep attending Real estate Seminars because Paul wants to do Real estate but he does not want it as bad as he wants to breathe. Paul is comfortable also Paul has yet to identify his why. Why does he want to do this business? I remember talking to a full time investor in my market when I was new. And he said something very profound if you Why? does not make you cry then its not strong enough. That wasnt hard for me because the thought of working a job the rest of my life makes me cry. One thing Sean Terry has taught me is If I am not uncomfortable I am not growing. You must get comfortable being Uncomfortable. People Like Paul might need to look into paid coaching programs. As far as me when I got start I had a mentor that was no up front fee and split the deal. But I wanted it as bad as I want to breathe. It took me 8 months to get that first deal and I did not give up. I did not give up because of the thought of me staying at my current Job the rest of my life. The thought of me not fulfilling my dreams. The thought of me being Average.
In conclusion folks, Comfort is your enemy especially if you have Goals you want to achieve. In no way am I am saying go out and quit your job. I often tell people on my youtube channel to let their 9-5 fund their 5-9. That means work on the clock then take your ass home to work on your self. Nothing in Life worth having comes easy. So instead of flying around the Country attending real estate seminars. 1st start with the mental aspect of success and ask your self Why do you want this? What are you willing to sacrifice to get it? How much time can I allocate to this? Does this get me closer to my overall Vision? And one last thing never get to comfortable always be growing.
Comments (2)
Eric Thomas, over 10 years ago
Awesome read. I really enjoyed the Eric Thomas video, something about it gets me pumped up! Thanks, <a href=http://ericthomas.info>eric thomas
Eric Thomas, over 10 years ago