“Looking at a 100 Year Old Home with NO Closets”
“Looking at a 100 Year Old Home with NO Closets”
The price of this home had dropped 25% over 6 months, my curiosity got the best of me. It is not usually a style that I go after, but decided to check it out. It was obvious what the problem was, there were no closets in this home, I mean none.
The problem was with the size of the rooms it was hard to make closets. I have often wondered where any of the owners put clothes over the last 100 years?
Well, I love a challenge and will end up making an offer, this is an estate and I have been told, the executor will listen to offers. I have always been into price, price and price, instead of location, location and location.
image courtesy of criminalatt/freedigitalphotos.ne
Comments (5)
Things were different back in the day I guess, I mean could you imagine a developer putting in a murphy bed today?
Andrew Syrios, almost 11 years ago
I have looked at homes without closets. Waste of time. Women will never be happy. Shoot... even kids will be unhappy without closets.
George P., almost 11 years ago
I had an older Row House in Maryland, the closets were added on at a later date seeing that there was plenty of room between the rooms, so the previous owners knocked out a section of the wall to create the closets, tiny little things lol, nothing like the closets now a days. The Row House we were living in were just a bit over 100 years old.
Richard Gaston, almost 11 years ago
Old ... as in Queen Anne, Second Empire, Victorian, and, to a lesser degree, Edwardian & Georgian, houses ... did not have closets in bedrooms. There were either adjacent changing rooms {many of which may have been turned into a small bedroom} or an armoire or wardrobe was used. We have a few older buildings and provide armoires where it was impractical or aesthetically inappropriate to build a closet into the room.
Roy N., almost 11 years ago
Strange! Any room for wardrobes?
Let us know how it turns out :)
Brandon Turner, almost 11 years ago