Fannie Mae Loosens up their guidelines for Student loans and qualifyin
As of 4.25.17, Tuesday, Fannie Mae announced they will now make it easier to get financing especially when you have student loans you want to refinance into your home mortgage or if you have debts that are being paid by "others."
Prior when you had co-obligated debt where someone else who co-signed with you, you had to show the other signor had been paying this debt for 12 full months from their own bank account (could not be a jointly owned account) before you would not have to count the payment towards your qualification.
As of this new ruling any debt can be removed from qualification even if the person paying is not on the loan legally or on the note. This opens up a huge list of planning options where I think a lot of people are going to start getting family or friends to start paying their big car and student loan payments so that 12 months later they can get a mortgage.
This is even more compounded when Fannie Mae also released that they will now consider cash out refinances which typically carried a higher pricing hit (rate) than regular refi's or purchases if the borrower was going to payoff student loans.
Now this sounds all great and all since it gives people a bigger doorway out of their non forgiveable debt by refinancing it into their home mortgage.