Resolutions for Your Sales Success
Now is the perfect time to create your annual sales and marketing plan. What are the new ideas that you can implement this year to increase your sales? How are you going to improve your customer service, close more transactions, and bolster your lead generation systems? Have you thought about differentiating yourself by becoming an expert in a specific niche program? Do you intend to reach your sphere of influence through social media, direct mailings, newsletters, or other forms of marketing? Last but not least, what systems do you have in place to stay in contact with your past customers? Do you have a customer loyalty marketing system that focuses on receiving your past customers' future business as well as creating a new referral stream of leads from their friends and acquaintances? Below is a list of some sales strategies that may help you have your most successful year as a salesperson.
• Organize - Take the time to look at your daily responsibilities, obligations, and sales generating functions. What tasks are you doing that lead to quality business? What tasks do you perform daily that negatively impact your business? When formulating your new business plan, focus your efforts on the functions that will help you become more profitable and successful.
• Education - Commit yourself every day to improve your knowledge, skills, and performance as a sales professional.
• Prioritize - Create a daily plan, where you consistently market to new clients. Most sales professionals have inconsistent income, because when their pipelines are full, they focus on their current transactions and do not constantly search for new business.
• Customer Service - Focus on maintaining a positive attitude with your clients, customers, and co-workers. Your attitude will affect the individuals you come in contact with daily. A positive attitude will not only help you get through a crisis, but it will lead to future business.
• Past Customers - Your past clients are the greatest source of your future business with the least expense. In many industries, successful salespeople generate at least half of their business from their past customers. A sound business plan should focus on maintaining your current relationships.
Once you have formulated your new marketing and business plan, you should also create an action plan. It should consist of daily tasks that will help you achieve your sales and financial goals. Following a plan where you contact a specific number of lead sources per day, participate in networking groups, and maintain your relationships with your past customers, is your best formula for success. As you achieve your goals, just remember to have fun, appreciate your support staff, and celebrate your success.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Michael_Zuren_PhD./1966583