How to Give Your Family a Memorable and Joyous Christmas
Christmas is the time of year when everyone acts a little nicer, gives just a little bit more, shows added compassion and caring to the less fortunate, and spends more time with their loved ones. Unfortunately, due to all the holiday hustled and bustle, expectations often spiral out of control. Many individuals or families are running from one place to another, trying not to miss out on a spectacular holiday event, party, or traveling to see relatives. Christmas is not only one of the busiest times of the year, but it is also one of the most stressful and expensive. The commercialization of Christmas has created serious financial demands on individuals and families. Children are constantly bombarded with the newest most expensive toy or electronic device. It's important to try to push these pressures aside and create a memorable and lasting Christmas season for you and your family. Sometimes, the least expensive and simplest things can be the most memorable and make this holiday season the brightest and most joyful. So what can you do to make this Christmas the most memorable and fun for you and your family? Below is a list of inexpensive ideas that can help you make this holiday's festivities one of the most enjoyable ever. After going through the list, just incorporate the ideas that you feel will help you and your family slow down and enjoy the season.
• Decorating - Make decorating your home and putting up the Christmas tree a family event. Everyone in the household should contribute. You can make this event more enjoyable by playing Christmas music and making hot chocolate and cookies. Talk to your children about your most memorable Christmas experiences when you were a child. Afterwards, watch a movie together and make it an annual event that your children look forward to each year.
• Be Purposeful - Before buying a gift, think about the recipient and what they would truly use and appreciate. Especially for children, it may be better to buy them a few gifts that they will truly use and enjoy, rather than a multitude of gifts that will be pushed in the corner within a few days.
• Donate Your Time - Show your family and children the value of charity. Donate your time to a local homeless shelter or food pantry and take your family. This will show your children the value of compassion and how lucky they are. Visit a retirement home, shut-ins from your church, or someone you know who is alone for the holidays.
• Go Christmas Caroling - Bake some cookies or buy some at the store. If you have children, take them to visit and sing for their grandparents or older individuals in your neighborhood. They will likely appreciate the company and the cookies.
• Make New Friends - Maybe there is somebody at work or a neighbor that you just have never got along with. Christmas is the opportunity to give them a small gift or a box of cookies and wish them a Merry Christmas. Use the spirit of the season to help nurture or improve broken relationships.
• Enjoy The Holiday Lights - If you have young children, drive around with them and admire the decorations. Kids love holiday lights, as you drive around and admire the elaborate decorations, ask your children which their favorite decorations are and why?
• Attend Your Children(s) Events - Enroll your children in a school holiday play, a community event, a children's theater, or to sing Christmas carols at your church. Many of these events can make Christmas extremely memorable to a parent. Remember to take pictures; these may become some of your most precious memories.
• Seek Out Community Events - Around the holidays, some community organizations offer special opportunities for children and their families. There may be a Santa's Workshop where you and your child can make a toy, ride a horse-drawn sleigh, or have breakfast with Santa.
• Attend Christmas Parties - It is important in your relationships to show up at your office party, gatherings with your friends, and family celebrations. Instead of thinking they are not worth your time, show up and try to enjoy yourself, they may turn out to be a lot of fun. While at the festivities, take in all the joy and merriment.
• Stick to Your Budget - Before you shop for Christmas presents, write out a list and stick to it. Don't overspend. Most people cannot remember the Christmas gifts they received last year.
• Enjoy The Outdoors - Weather permitting, build a snowman or go sled riding with your children. Most children love the outdoors, especially during winter holidays.
Just remember, Christmas is about Christ, but it's also about friends, family, and being gracious for what you have been given in life. Take the time to ponder and reflect on all the blessings that you have been given. You may be grateful for your health, family, friends, faith, or any of a multitude of things. Just be thankful for all that you have been given and blessings that have been bestowed on you and your family. Merry Christmas...
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Michael_Zuren_PhD./1966583