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Comments (2)

  1. adam - I'm not a GC but manage all of my own jobs and subs through my company - Ciucevich Remodeling & Interior Design. We've flipped/rehabbed 9 houses top to bottom in the last 9 months. Check out our Facebook page if you'd like. 

  2. Well I can't offer you anything specific to your are, just general suggestions.  

    I have watched a number of investors get screwed over the years, and here is part of what i have learned

    You want a GC who has the following

    State License 

    Insurance, call the company dont accept a photo copy of a policy. 

    You want liability insurance, and you want workers comp insurance

    MOST important, you do NOT buy the materials, if you screw this up you are on the hook for any injuries that occur. This is per the IRS, do not try to save money here.

    You need to control your GC with a good contract that states that you are not his employer but he is a contractor.   

    Add a timeline to your contract with penalties if he cant get the job done by a certian time

    Ask for references from prior customers, call them

    Drive by and see work currently being performed.

    Never pick the cheapest guy

    The good guys are hard to get, the guys who have no work really suck.

    Google search the GC and see what you can find at the state attorney generals consumer protection dept.

    that should get you a decent start

    Good luck
