Why are people posting pictures of checks on FB?
I am a member of various wholesaling groups on Facebook, and always see wholesalers who love to post photos of the checks for the deals they did. Why would I ever want to do business with someone who posts photos of the checks? I never want people with whom I do business to feel that I'm taking unfair advantage of them--it's a long-term approach about building a brand, for sure. I'm in business to make a profit, but would rather have strong potential for future business. One reason sellers sell through investors vs. MLS is that they value discretion--let's be thoughtful about that.
And, if I'm purchasing a home from another wholesaler, I hardly enjoy having that wholesaler post about his/her profit on our deal. I don't really care if that wholesaler makes a lot or a little on the deal as long as it works for me--I just want the business transaction to have minimal publicity. Am I off base on these opinions?
Comments (5)
I see a lot of people post checks on FB. I have never thought about privacy concerns because most people do block the payer's name and the routing/acct numbers at the bottom. Typically, people are showing the dollar amounts only. Now that's just what I've seen but I don't doubt there are dummies out there that just show it all. Anyway, if they were just showing the dollar amt for the purpose of celebrating their deal, and did not share who was involved, would it appear as tacky?? @Adam Schneider @Richard Smith
Shyreeta Cress, about 10 years ago
Ryan Dossey, about 10 years ago
Hey @Adam Schneider this would be great if posted on the forums. I think you'll get some good responses there.. :)
Dave Visaya, about 10 years ago
I can see posting on BP or other forum, without the details of buyer, seller names, etc. but posting a photo of the check on FB? Tacky and unprofessional at best. A violation of the buyer's privacy and possibly opening up the buyer to fraud attacks. Buyer's name and bank account info from the check is now available to world +dog. If I was the buyer I would be livid and would NEVER do business with that wholesaler again, and would advise everyone I came in contact with to avoid them as well.
Richard Smith, about 10 years ago
Amen, Richard.
Adam Schneider, about 10 years ago