Confessions of a Private Lender. An Updated Chronology.
When I get inquiries about private lending I often refer people to this blog to get an overview of the types of deals I have done and my decision making process. This blog entry is a listing of my previous entries in chronological order, the earlier ones at the top. It is posted, primarily, to help me refer people to topics I have addressed previously. I did not record when I wrote the entries but the earliest were posted in 2013. This blog now contains 100 pages of my musings. I thought it time to update the chronology.
The first six entries were conceived as a chapter for a book a colleague was considering which was never published. There have been considerable changes in the laws, general practices, and my procedures since I posted the early blogs and since I first funded a deal in 2010. I am not an expert. Lending is not my primary business and it is not imperative that I continue doing it. I have offered these entries as a chronicle of some of my transactions in the hope they may raise points that an aspiring borrower or lender may wish to consider. I always encourage the reader to discuss those points with their attorneys and accountants before they act as I am neither of those.
I am happy to answer any questions you may have or to expand on a topic. Please leave your comments on the blog itself—that is the most efficient way for me to respond.
Confessions of a Private Lender.
Evaluating a Potential Loan: The Borrower
Evaluating a Potential Loan: The Deal
Evaluating a Potential Loan: My Plans
I Want To Say Yes But It Is Much Easier To Say No.
Not All Deals Go According To Plans
Want to Turn a Lender into a Partner? Exceed Their Expectations.
A great result which will be rare due to Dodd-Frankenstein.
Jump in. You Can’t Imagine Where it May Lead.
Do Something You Have Never Done Before!
Time, Money, Knowledge. What Do You Bring?
“I Have a Question For You…Call Me Back.”
Who Are You And What Do You Want?
Lack of Funds is Just an Excuse
What Rates And Terms Should You Expect From Your Private Lender?
Multiple Exit Strategies May Multiply Your Profits.
It’s Just a Meeting. Why Bother?
If You Are Looking For Everything You May Find Nothing
I Burned My House To The Ground.
Did Your Last Contact Make Your Next Deal More or Less Likely?
A Lose Lose Deal May Be Fairer Than a Win Win Deal.
Hard Money, Terminology and Explanations. Part 1.
Hard Money Lenders, Private Lenders, Terminology. Part 2.
My Liquid Fund. How I Learned to Embrace Late Fees and Become a Better
TRID May Make Our Cash Offers Even More Attractive.
Confessions of a Private Lender. A Chronology.
What's That Smell? Not Cat Piss ─ It's Opportunity.
What's That Smell? The Plot Thickens.
How To Sell A House Without Closing Costs.
How To Sell A House Without Closing Costs.
Be Prepared For An Unexpected Answer
Looking For Funding? Sometimes You Don’t Even Have To Ask.
Cash for Keys. It’s Just Business.
An Introduction To Pre-Paid Legal Plans.
Pre-Paid Legal Plans. My Experiences.
Solve the Puzzle. Craft a Deal. Part 1
Solve the Puzzle. Craft a Deal. Part Deux.
How Many Capsules Would You Like?
How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall?
I Probably Don’t Want Your Business.
Story Time With Jeff. episode 2
Story Time With Jeff. episode 3.
Networking. Some Of You Are Doing It Incorrectly.
Story Time With Jeff. episode 4.
Story Time With Jeff. episode 5.
The First Tuesday of the Month.
Story Time With Jeff. episode 6.
Story Time With Jeff. episode 7.
The 1st Deal’s Connected to the 2nd Deal. The 2nd to the 3rd...
Story Time With Jeff. episode 8.
Story Time With Jeff. episode 9. (conclusion of cat piss house.)
Story Time With Jeff. episode 10.
Story Time With Jeff. episode 11. I Burned My House To The Ground.
Damn the Recession. 6 years old.
I Burned My House To The Ground conclusion. Story Time episode 12.
Story Time With Jeff. episode 13. Field Trip to Secreto.
Story Time With Jeff. episode 14. Field Trip to Secreto part 2.
My Tenants Thank Me for Raising Their Rent.
Story Time With Jeff. episode 15. My Origin Story.
Story Time With Jeff. episode 16. Season Finale.
Don’t Hire a Property Manager. Sell Your House To One.
Land Contract Case Studies. Plain Vanilla.
A Busy Week Shows the Power of Cooperation
Land Contract Case Studies. 2 LCs on 1 House.
Don't Ask for Money on Facebook
Story Time. Season 2. Episode 1. Drilling Down on a Deal.
I will do my best to respond to any questions or comments.
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