First Week of July
Things I’ve been up to this week that aren’t real estate related: Supporting and enjoying local Go Fourth festival. Downsizing my mammoth wardrobe. Harvested first lettuce from my garden. Playing the new Pokémon Go augmented reality game. Pokemon regularly wander into our living room, so thought it would be fun to pose a BP photo with a Pidgey...
Things I’ve been up to this week that are real estate related: Tenant locked self out. Waiting to hear if unit is re-rented and for how much. Reading Amanda Han’s tax book. Took a peek at multi-families for sale in Seattle, for 2023-ish planning and dreaming.
Things I should be doing soon that are real estate related: May & June finances, Bruce fell behind on his Quicken portion when he got sick. Sort out whether to keep, fire, or coach our PM, Bruce and I aren’t in agreement on how to proceed. Revisit inspection schedule; haven’t done any lately, think my tickler system had a break down.