Staycation Week, but no Vacation from the Rentals
I’ve been enjoying a stay-cation this week!
I was hoping to complete the overhaul of my rental Excel spreadsheets; I have more ideas on how to improve things than time to implement them. So far been working on other projects. Bruce did finish our taxes! He’s been dragging his heels, knowing last year’s strong real estate earnings would increase our taxes. But, college spending helped offset, so we don’t have to send in more funds, yay!
Monday I travelled north almost two hours to attend a BiggerPockets Meet-Up. I’ve been trying to get to one for at least a year. It was a packed house, a lot of new and experienced investors, and our very own Brandon Turner. Made a few connections, enjoyed the evening.
Found out that our nightmare tenants from last week did not move out, so looks like we might experience our first eviction…
In other news, our property manager got a call from a tenant that he heard running water and couldn’t find it. It was the other side of the duplex. The toilet was leaking; the water line was spraying under the floor and the floor under the toilet was rotten. Replaced the water line, the wood around toilet, and put a new flooring down.
Need to go back to work to cover all these 2016 rentals setbacks!