Blissfully Boring Week
A boring week for Fischer Rentals.
Sometimes boring is good. Like when I'm so sick I can't function, as I was earlier this week.
As of the 10th of the month all the tenants we manager are paid up for September. We had a random homeless family pitch a tent in the backyard of one of our properties, but other than that it has been blissfully quiet.
One of our tenants even paid more than I was expecting. Rewind to earlier this year. One of our tenants, who we required a double deposit form since they were risky, asked Bruce if he could use part of the deposit to pay rent, because he had medical bills with the birth of a baby. I agreed, but only if the tenant would pay back the deposit in monthly deposits and have it fully replenished this year. Never again, I tell you. Another kid broke an arm and there were more medical bills. The amount of extra paid toward the deposit dwindled then stopped. I wrote a letter this week that they needed to pay a minimum of $75 extra each month to get it paid off before all the extra expenses of the holidays set in. The tenant paid $125!
One thing that has been a little too quiet is funds, statements, or news from our property managed units...
Comments (2)
Now that you've used a PM, would you do it again?
Dawn Anastasi, over 9 years ago
I still want to see how turnovers that she completely manages will go, and I wish that the communication piece was better, but I'm feeling pretty good about it. Not ready to hand the rest of the units over but fairly confident that if we do end up moving that we could keep the investments. Time will tell...
Michele Fischer, over 9 years ago