04.22.14 Exterior Photos of Property #2
Here's a peek at our second investment, a 2/1 duplex. Many properties on this block are a funny mustard yellow or a really dark brown.
The entire block (and the block next to it) are rows of similar duplexes, arranged in groups of three facing a middle shared courtyard. Different people own the three properties; we weren't able to purchase the adjacent one.
The street is generally quiet, the grassy areas are often full of kids and adults, and junk often accumulates along the sides of the homes.
The alleys are an issue - huge potholes full of rainwater all winter, graffiti, and discarded furniture. The city fills the wholes with gravel but there is not funding for paving.
This is among the better looking carports on the block. Several appear to be close to collapse, or have tarps and people hanging around. People cutting through the side yard pathways (other than tenants) is a concern.
We're planning to paint this summer; what color would you choose? Any ideas on how to re-engineer the outdoor space without losing the homogeneous feel of the block?
Comments (1)
Hey Michele, how's the night lighting under and around the car port? The mustard color and curb appeal scheme is just begging for a focal point. Same with the car port (only if in a highly visible location). A lot of urban neighborhoods are in the same boat as you regarding alleyways. They've turned lemons into lemonade with a pathway movement. Check out this vid: http://www.wlwt.com/news/walnut-hills-foundation-embarks-on-mission-to-turn-alleys-into-pathways/25627426 Also, Google "place making"
Al Williamson, almost 11 years ago