Five Weeks Later, Checking In...
It has been awhile since I posted a personal blog post.
Life has been busy, I’m working way too much at my W-2 job.
My goals progress has slowed way down, but still making slow forward progress.
Trimmed a tree at one property, nagging people to get a bid to remove a tree at another property. Planning to attend a BP meet-up an hour away this coming week. Performed one maintenance inspection, working to schedule the second one. Need to stop by Starbucks to get a gift card for an early June tenant birthday. Finished reading Brandon’s landlording books, but wanting to spend some more time digesting them. Still faithfully listening to the BP podcast each week.
Attended a city meeting about zoning for homeless shelters. Conversation took a turn to how there is not enough housing to meet the needs in our community.
Feeling perpetually behind on rental financials and feeling perpetually out of control on the properties that the PM is managing for us. She finally got a non-paying tenant to move out. Frustrated it is taking so long. Frustrated she doesn’t seem to have solid processes. Frustrated she sends bills that are blatantly wrong. But, too busy to entertain a different solution when I know there is not a better solution.
So we keep plugging along as the days and weeks and months fly by…