The Book on Rental Property Investing - Part 1
It’s been on my shelf calling my name for months now. I know I can’t carve out time to sit down and read it cover to cover or even a chapter at a time, so have been reading it in short snippets.
Whenever I read the book, I hear Brandon Turner taking in my head. I can’t think of many books I’ve read where I know the author, it’s pretty cool. Brandon says in his book and on a recent podcast that reading is a way to get in an author’s head. To understand how they think, to get different ideas, to change our minds. I love that. And I love that my e-book (which amazingly still makes about $5/month in royalties) gives people a glimpse into super nerdy spreadsheet and relationship driven real estate investing.
One thing I appreciate is Brandon encouraging readers to spend 10 minutes each day on BiggerPockets. Just as consistency is important in a successful real estate venture, consistency is the key to building community and a reputation on BP. I used to spend a few minutes each day until I found two forum posts to contribute to. When life got busy I reduced that to one, but most days I am still on for a few minutes posting, responding to private inbox items, and sending sample spreadsheets/manuals to users. I’m also currently trolling the forums for potential topics to discuss at our property owner’s association, since we struggle to find local speakers.
That’s the first few chapters, maybe in a few more months I’ll have a few more chapters digested…
Comments (2)
It's been a while since I've checked in on your journey.
You're still going strong!
Al Williamson, about 8 years ago
My only input - I can't spend just 10 minutes a day. I get 'shiny bauble syndrome' going from forum post to blog post to podcast etc. If I got $5 for every distraction on my daily BP trip, I could buy a 100 unit apartment building just in the last 6 months :)
Chris Luksha, about 8 years ago