Need More Hours in the Day!
It’s been almost a month since my last post.
I’ve been buried at my W2 job. Finding time for food, rest, exercise and God, but not much else.
In September I had hoped to do a maintenance inspection, trim a tree and haul off the mess with free Sept dump coupons, and get our finances back up to date after goofing off this summer, and none of that happened.
We did get 4 huge loads of garbage hauled out of the alleys in the rain as part of the annual dump runs event I host.
I came across an article on 12 Ways to Find More Hours in the Day, which I am in desperate need of.
Things I am already doing: tackle the worst tasks first, plan meals in advance, plan errands, wash clothes less
Things to work on: not letting new e-mails interrupt me, clean up in shorter spurts,
Suggestions to ponder: shopping later in the evening to avoid crowds, declutter desk of personal items, focus on moving between 4 & 6pm
Comments (1)
Thanks for sharing, liked the tips, especially shopping after 9pm and planning travel route.
Dmitriy Fomichenko, over 8 years ago