The Cost of Eviction
The coast of evictions vary widely by area, but here is our experience:
Some of the info leading up to this post:
Eviction by the dates:
November 2015 was the last time we got full rent, with prior tenants.
New tenants moved in in November sometime, no move in money or December rent.
Jan & Feb collected 50% of rent.
No rent collected for March or April.
Went to court mid April.
PM got possession 4/19, had it re-rented 4/25.
Mid June before got all costs invoiced.
Eviction by the costs:
It was almost $1,200 paid to the lawyer. This included court filing fees ($227), serving the tenants ($65), court fees ($20), and assistance from the sheriff's office ($80). Leaving roughly $800 in actual lawyer fees.
Our property manager split the lawyer fees 50/50 since she was responsible for the mix up.
The PM also invested $1,364 of own funds into re-renting. They cleaned the carpets ($110), locks ($32), light bulbs ($25), replace smoke detectors ($56), house cleaning (23 hours, $12/hour, $276).
Our lost rent, after meager deposits were applied (from prior tenant, the sister), was over 4 months, 129 days, or $2,640. The occupancy rate for this init has dropped from 93% average over the years to 88% cumulative and 24% for the year.
Painful? Yes. Devastating? No. Do we think we could have reduced the loss if we had self managed? Absolutely!
Comments (2)
What about the water bill? Water bills are unreported expense in eviction.
Zulfi Ahmad, over 8 years ago
So are you giving up on the PM?
Dawn Anastasi, over 8 years ago