Attending BiggerPockets Meet-Ups
While Heather and Brandon were bringing little Rosie into the world, Bruce and I were driving up to Olympia for a BP meet-up. We missed seeing Brandon, but what a fun new adventure for them!
This was the second meet-up in Olympia. We missed the first one due to illness. I’m not sure how many we can attend with it being such a far drive (literally home from work, go to meet-up, come home and go to bed). I’d sure like to go to as many as we can though.
We’re supposed to bring our needs and our success stories.
Recent success stories? Collecting all rent timely in May? Surviving our first eviction without getting very beat up?
Our needs? Still content to be in a holding pattern at this time. As we joke, all of our cash is getting funneled to two kids attending University of Washington. Our discussions and energy is going toward getting our primary residence rent ready in anticipation of an eventual move. Memorial Day weekend is blinds shopping to modernize the 1930’s house by replacing the ancient old fashioned drapes on our three huge main living area windows.
For an introvert, I sure get energized by attending the meet-ups and talking to people. This time we spent most of our time with someone who has done many more deals than us, someone who is doing similar low income landlording, someone who is purchasing one property a year but is looking at turnkey due to high prices here, and someone who is just getting started and had all the same questions we had when we were trying to get early momentum.
Thankful for this wonderful community.
Comments (1)
Hey Michele. Great blog post. Couldn't agree more that BP meet ups are one of the best way to meet other investors. Keep it up!
Kevin Fox, almost 9 years ago