01.08.15 Real Estate Goals for 2015
The new year is another opportunity to take inventory and set specific goals to move in the direction we want to go. A time to resolve to lose that same last 10 pounds, every year for the past 5 years. A time to work on improving ourselves and our lives. A time to dream about the future, a time to be realistic about what can be accomplished in one year.
My 2015 goals relating to real estate:
Focus on tenant retention and applicant selection to be able to improve CAP rate, spend money on improving properties instead of just getting them move in ready over and over, and spend less time landlording. Either turn some units over to a property manager, or keep them and develop a move in training packet.
Continue to learn and be involved in the investor community. Continue to read real estate related books, try to bring local real estate investors together, try to attend BP events, and follow up on interview requests and desire to meet Marcia Maynard.
My personal goals this year relate to decluttering, organizing, and getting rid of belongings to see if we can live in a smaller space in the future. That touches real estate by getting rental files purged, archived, and maybe even a step closer to being on the cloud.
Comments (4)
@Michele Fischer
1. As mentioned elsewhere I am going to stop tilting at windmills trying to acquire a 30 - 50 unit building ... prices are just silly and, worse, folks from away are paying them ???;
2. Aim to stay one step ahead of @Al Williamson {it's a full time job} and continue have all our turning-over units re-rented before the become vacant this year.
3. Continue with efficiency improvement to both our properties and our business practices.
Roy N., about 10 years ago
Thanks for weighing in, @Roy N. ! Forget zero vacancy, I'm dreaming big for no vacancies to even worry about how fast we can fill. A girl can dream!
Michele Fischer, about 10 years ago
Good 'stuff @Michele Fischer
1. I'm going to continue categorizing ideas for landlords.
2. Press to maintain my zero vacancy winning streak - which I just broke. I should have known better than to turn off the marketing machine before collecting the deposit and signing the lease. Dumb mistake.
3. Push back on "fixed" bills and get some consessions .
Al Williamson, about 10 years ago
Great stuff @Al Williamson . So true about keeping the place on the market until the paperwork is done, but so easy to want to stop the phone calls!
Michele Fischer, about 10 years ago