06.07.14 Washington Landlord Association Spring Conference
Here is our very own esteemed Brandon Turner, sharing 10 tips to run a successful business (rather than hobby). Great ideas, this is an interesting ongoing topic for me. Think I’m resolved to be content with considering it part business, part hobby, and part mission in our situation.
I invested a day in my real estate education and networking today, with fun results.
Changes I plan to incorporate based on what I heard today:
Incorporate the concept of reasonable accommodation into the application, rental agreement, and policy manual (primarily for service animals)
Start tracking tax info by unit (not property) and relax a little about not having receipts.
Hire someone to clean gutters at all units to avoid liability.
Buy moisture meter and humidity meter for rental inspections.
Explore installing Whisper Green quiet bathroom fans in units.
Write letter to legislatures to extend solar tax credits.
Cleaning tips to try out: WD40 to remove stickers, The Works at the Dollar Store for fiberglass, veggie oil to de-rust garbage disposal.
Comments (1)
Hey that's me! :)
It was great to see you again, thanks for coming!!
Brandon Turner, over 10 years ago