What's the Best & Highest Use of $20 Million in Real Estate Investing
Wednesday, February 14
Each week, we post a new question to the Best Ever Show Community on Facebook. The Best Ever Show Community is a place where real estate entrepreneurs of all stripes and sizes can come together to interact with each other, me, and the guests featured on my podcast with the purpose of everyone hel...
If You Had a Time Machine, What Would Be Your First Investment?
Wednesday, February 07
Each week, we post a new question to the Best Ever Show Community on Facebook. The Best Ever Show Community is a place where real estate entrepreneurs of all stripes and sizes can come together to interact with each other, me, and the guests featured on my podcast with the purpose of everyone hel...
Five Ways To Find Your First Off-Market Apartment Deal
Monday, February 05
Previously Published in Forbes HereIn a previous blog post, I outlined the benefits for both a seller and buyer of completing an apartment transaction off-market, as opposed to on-market through a broker. Although off-market deals are highly attractive on both sides of the transaction, when it co...
What the NFL, NBA and NASCAR Can Teach Us About Real Estate
Monday, January 22
According to HuffPost, the average career length of a professional athlete is only 10 years. That means that by their late-20s, earlier-30s, a professional athlete is forced into finding another career path and, more importantly, a revenue source.Unfortunately, even with the multi-million dollar ...
The Ultimate Success Formula for Apartment Syndicators
Thursday, January 18
I attended the Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within seminar and one of my biggest takeaways was the Ultimate Success Formula. If you reflect back on anything you’ve accomplished in your life, no matter how big or small, I can guarantee you that you followed this formula.What follows is the outl...
22 Self-Sabotaging Behaviors That Lead To Entrepreneurial Extinctions
Tuesday, January 16
Recently, I’ve come across a handful of entrepreneurs who are making extremely poor business decisions. It’s quite obvious that these self-inflicted wounds are undermining their businesses, stunting their long-term growth potential and may even kill their business altogether.With 8 out of 10 entr...