Google+ and REI Professionals: How Are You Not On Board? Seriously?!
I know I know. Google+ seems to rhyme with Myspace when we think of social media and dammit I'm a REI professional (no not me, you) not a 15 year old kid looking for a booty call. I make my connects out on the streets. Or maybe you think Facebook is where it's at. The same Facebook that reaches less than 10% of your followers right. Mmmmhmmmm. Google+ was late to the party so it's taken a backseat to the likes of Facebook (no pun intended), but I'm here to tell you that you're crazy if you're not on Google+ yet.
Facebook Sucks Now. Google+ Rocks!
Alright first of all, I'm gonna say this point blank, Facebook sucks now. Burn me at the stake, I don't care. They only allow you to have 5,000 friends in your network before forcing you to convert to a fan page. The whole way along building your network they are penalizing you if you don't know the person you're adding by putting you in timeout from adding people. Hellooooo!! You're a "social network". If the person doesn't want to be friends they can DING DING DING not add me or block me. Btw, they do this the whole way so as to force you into their pay model fan pages.
Google+ rocks though. Guess what? Add as many people as you want. Granted you can only add like 500 people a day if you're a friend collector, but still, no penalties. You can be like a few people I know who have built followings of 50k-100k people like Mark Traphagen or Andrij Harasewych. Or you can be like a couple of real estate professional I know like Rebekah Radice and Bill Gassett who have close to 10k followers. When these professionals post a link to their website content it goes platinum.
You're A REI Professional. Wanna See Google+ Numbers?
Of course I'm dealing with REI professionals here so you'll definitely want to see the numbers on Google+ before committing your most valuable resource of time to it. So let's start with their user base. Google+ just surpassed the 1 billion marker, behind Facebooks 1.15 billion. Not bad considering they were around 500 million a year ago. Plus, Google+ has a much cleaner interface. It's so much more organized than Facebook's who's in desperate need of a makeover.
Here's an article from Mark Traphagen on the Personalized Power of +1's on your content ("+1" is to Google+ what "Likes" are to Facebook). Also, this article by Eric Enge on The Power of +1's on Your Contents Search Ranking was fascinating, but very very very in depth. The experiment was conducted over several months with an extreme control group. Let me tell you something, it's right on the money. I only wrote 10 blog posts on my old website up until August 18th before migrating to my new one where I will start writing probably tomorrow. Those 10 blog posts got most of their attention on Google+ with 10-20 +1's per article. Since around September 20th I've had a steady stream of 150+ new people register there to receive new posts as I write them (they'll be waiting a while unfortunately since I migrated). This came from the power of +1's and shares on Google+. My Facebook network of 2,000 people on it's messy interface Liked my content a total of 5 times, so I don't believe those 5 likes were the reason for my success.
Final Thoughts on Google+
Google's always been a bit biased in promoting users that operate from their platforms (except with Wordpress), and who can blame them. I have no doubt users receive far more love from Google than other social platforms, and the experiment proves this to be true. Everytime a user +1's a person's content, Googlebot immediately recrawls that content. If you read the experiment you'll see this is fact. You can also embed live high quality Google+ post right into your own web content (Facebook copied this idea right after. Who's on who's coattails now?). So with all of this new information one could easily see why I must reiterate my earlier point: how are you not on Google+ yet?
You're very own Joshua Dorkin just reinvented his Google+ community BiggerPockets.com Real Estate Investing Community. If you support him and his site then helping him to grow on Google+ will help to gain new membership here. Afterall, isn't that what it's really all about here on BP?
Last but not least, I'll be starting my own blog on my site (blogging here and there), so if you like what you see here you can read others like it on my blog "We Blog Houses," and please don't forget to take a second and share this on your social networks!
Cheerio mates!!
Comments (7)
Google Plus has several SEO benefits as it can help get your business on the fast track to superior results on Google search ranking. Content that is shared on Google Plus is added to Google searches (or indexed) much quicker than on other sites. Google+ Hangout feature also makes communication easier as it allows up to ten users to video chat with one another and thus provides practical business value. These are just some the reasons why I am fond of Google+
James Schiller, over 11 years ago
@Kevin Polite great observation. Google is so much more than SEO in this day and age. It takes the need of providing valuable content and social signals to really manifest on Google these days. Thanks for commenting!
Michael Lindsey, over 11 years ago
Michael Lindsey You're so right about Google giving much love to you when you are a Google+ user. I did a post for a nonprofit park clean up group and the group immediately moved up on Google search. So, I tried this with a property I had for sale, damn if it didn't work again. Also, Google is no longer keyword base and this is a major, major change in SEO. Now your website needs to really have relevant content because Google it's going to go through and look for just your keywords, but how relevant is the entire content. This is due to the way people now search and because voice command search (think Siri) are now much more available.
Kevin Polite, over 11 years ago
Thanks Tia M.! It's actually become my favorite social network. You'll find people are far more active in commenting and sharing on there, at least in my experience. The G+ community aspect is way better than Facebook also imo. Moreover, and something I didn't mention in the post above, the people who follow you will get your content at the top of their Google searches over the regular search when logged into their gmail account. This is a huge advantage to getting traffic to your website. Imaging having 10's of thousands of people getting your content you've shared from your website on G+ when they do a search relevant to an article you write.
Michael Lindsey, over 11 years ago
Great post Michael Lindsey. I've been on the fence about google+. I think I may just head on over. Thanks again!
Tia M., over 11 years ago
Thanks for reading!
Michael Lindsey, over 11 years ago
Nice post and thanks for the support of our G+ community, Michael Lindsey!
Joshua Dorkin, over 11 years ago