Real Estate Investing – Do I Need An LLC?
Thursday, September 05
LLC Stands for Limited Liability Company As a real estate investor, I get this question a lot. Most people who ask generally fall into one of the following situations: Recently attended a guru training and were told they needed to create an LLC for asset protection See others who...
Real Estate Investing – My First Deal
Thursday, September 05
Getting the first deal is a hurdle that the vast majority of people interested in real estate investing never get past. In a previous blog blog, Rich Dad Poor Dad/Wealth Intelligence Academy Bootcamp Review, I described how I spent close to $10,000 before I got my first real estate investing ...
How to Quickly Evaluate a Real Estate Deal
Thursday, September 05
There is a common saying among real estate investors, “Review 100 deals, make offers on 10, purchase 1.” When I first began investing in real estate, I could not see how this could possibly be true. Who really goes and looks at 100 properties just to get a single deal? It wasn’t unt...
Rich Dad Cashflow 101 Board Game Review
Thursday, September 05
Cashflow 101 is board game created by Robert Kiyosaki, author of the popular book Rich Dad Poor Dad. The objective of the game is to
Rich Dad Poor Dad/Wealth Intelligence Academy Bootcamp Review
Thursday, September 05
I got interested in real estate investing the same way many people do… hearing an ad on the radio for a FREE session to learn how to invest in real estate. That was July 2007. Here is my story. I was listening to the radio on a drive home after a tough day of work and the ad came on. ...