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Posted almost 14 years ago

Unforgettable - What's in a Name?

Do you have a difficult time remembering names? Do you forget a person’s name as quickly as they’ve given it to you?  This is not only embarrassing, it’s bad for business.

Why do we forget another person’s name so easily? Are we internally setting ourselves up for failure because we’ve decided that we just can’t remember?  Or, is it a matter of the person’s perceived importance to us in our business or personal lives?  For example, the clerk we just met at the post office may not be quite as important to us as the prospective client.  So, we are more apt to remember the prospect than the clerk.

What are the best ways to remember a person’s name?

  1. Tell yourself you will remember – Avoid the mental block.
  2. Repeat the person’s name – Say it again during your conversation with them.
  3. Learn some techniques/tricks – Ask for a business card, think of something that rhymes with their name or use word-association.

In today’s past-paced world, let’s take a little time to remember that everyone we meet has a name and loves to be remembered.
