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Posted about 14 years ago

New SERPs Drive More Traffic to Your Website

Some of the options now available on a Google SERP - real estate virtual assistanceSERPs are the Search Engine Results Pages that are created after you enter your keywords in the search field of any search engine: Yahoo!, Google or Bing. How can the new SERPs drive more traffic to your website?

Right now, Google allows you to refine your search even further than a generic term by giving you the option to search according to shopping, news, images, videos, maps, books, blogs, updates or discussions of the search term you entered. You'll see your options on the left hand side of the SERP. It even gives you the chance to look at sites based on the time of entry, nearby results, related searches, sites with images and even searches based on similar terms. Real-time updates have become huge on all search engines, which is what makes social networking such an important factor in marketing your business. Yahoo has also started offering these options and Bing pioneered the idea when they began.

What does this mean for driving traffic to your site? It means that you need to think more diversely about what things you place emphasis on when doing your search engine optimization. There are five main Google search engines that you need to insert yourself into to increase your rankings in Google overall. These include:

You Tube - Pay attention to your title and tags when posting videos on You Tube.

Google Image Search - Add images to your blogs that include keywords.

Google News - They only index news articles that are three days old or less and only index it once. This one can be a little trickier than the others.

Google Maps/Local Search - Add your name, business name, contact info and areas you cover as well as keywords, when possible, to Google Maps and Google Local Search.

Google Blog Search - Blog often, with varying lengths and link to more than one source.

Since the search engines are constantly evolving, it is important that your business model is constantly evolving to keep up. The new SERPs can help drive more traffic to your website if you know how to work it. If you're at a loss on where to begin, let your Real Estate Virtual Assistant help you out.
