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Posted about 14 years ago

Photoblogging in Seconds? Pre-Posterous!

Do you like to take photos?  Do you understand the importance of blogging to promote yourselfPhotoblogging in seconds?  Pre-Posterous!  No, really.  It's quite simple with  Just follow these simple steps to get blogging in seconds:

  1. Create an account at  It's free.  It's easy.  To do so, simply send an email to [email protected] to create your very first Posterous post.  Posterous will email you back in seconds with the chance to add your password.  Voila!  You have successfully created your first post on Posterous.
  2. Use your camera phone to take the photo.  If you have a Smart Phone (iPhone, Droid, Blackberry), you can email it directly from your camera phone after you have added your cell phone number to your Posterous account.
  3. If you don't have a Smart Phone, you can still click whatever photos you wish.  Just download them onto your computer and send them to Posterous via your laptop or PC's email.   Simple!

When setting up the account at Posterous, you will be able to choose a theme, create a bio, add your own photo, find other friends that use Posterous via your Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail accounts and invite friends to subscribe your Posterous site.  You can also set your Posterous blogs to automatically post to your Facebook profile and/or fan page, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, You Tube and several other social networks.  You can even have it autopost to your blog.  It currently supports Blogger, Tumblr, Livejournal, Shopify, Typepad, Xanga, WordPress, MovableType and Drupal.  If you don't use one of these blogging platforms, you can try to add it via the "Other Blog" link.  Anytime you post to Posterous, it will automatically post it wherever you tell it to.

How can you use this for your real estate needs?  While you're out and about looking at real estate, you can take photos of your client's property.  If your phone has video capabilities, you can do this as well.  Simply make the subject line of your email the property's address, add a brief description and send off to Posterous' email address.  Posterous does the rest of the work for you!  If you find a property that you know would be perfect for one of your clients, you can snap photos/take video, send them to Posterous and post them online immediately.  Simply give your client a call, tell them to go to your Posterous site and they can see what you've just seen right away.

If you really want to get the Google juice flowing, you may want to use your own custom domain name or even set up a subdomain using your website address.  This is a special URL that you can cater to your specific areas of expertise.  For example, if your website is "", you may want to try "".  All you have to do is choose a .com, .net or .org domain name, check the availability and Posterous will do the rest.  Why should you consider a subdomain?  Because anything posted on this subdomain can be attributed to your entire website.  Since Google absolutely LOVES when content is updated often, your site will zoom up the search engine rankings in no time.

If you're really feeling creative, you may want to consider having your virtual assistant or web designer create a totally custom look to your Posterous photoblog to keep your branding consistent.  Otherwise, you have 13 pre-made themes to choose from.  There's even a place to add your Google Analytics to analyze the traffic coming to your site and add a Feedburner RSS feed if you wish.

So, it really isn't so pre-Posterous to start photoblogging in seconds.  You'll be glad you did!
