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Posted over 12 years ago

SPAM is a Four Letter Word

SPAM is a four letter wordThe internet has become a way of life for most people.  You can go online to do just about anything: shop, socialize, pay your taxes, find real estate clients, look up how long George Jetson's work week was (or is that just me?), etc.  It's very convenient to have the wealth of knowledge you used to have to go to the library to find now available at your fingertips.  The downside of all this convenience, however, is SPAM...the other four letter word that sends shudders up your spine.  It can clog up your inbox and take forever to clear up.  I've found a solution to reduce SPAM as well as managing your own contact list absolutely FREE! is offered as a free download that integrates with most email programs, including Outlook, Gmail and Yahoo! Mail.  In essence, becomes your SPAM blocker.  All you need to do is click the "Unsubscribe" button next to an email you know is unsolicited and you will never receive emails from that source again.  As you continue to "unsubscribe", the program learns what to identify as SPAM so that future SPAM will never make it into your inbox ever again.

Unsubscribe Email Analyzer

Another neat feature of this free program is the Social Monitor.  With the simple click of a button, is downloaded as an add-on to your toolbar.  Social Monitor helps you find out who is accessing your information on any of your social networking sites, including Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.  Remove any connections you may have to applications you don't use, applications you aren't sure you can trust and applications you know to be unsafe.  When you find unsafe applications, quickly and easily let your friends and followers know about them through so that they can protect themselves as well.  With the recent Ramnit worm that infected thousands of Facebook accounts overseas recently, stealing more than 45,000 login credentials from users in the UK and France, you can never be vigilant enough.

Unsubscribe Social Media Analyzer

Real estate professionals can also use to manage their contacts.  When you download the Safe Send program, an extra button will be installed in your email program.  With Safe Send, an "unsubscribe" link will automatically be added to the bottom of all of your emails.  If someone receives an email from you, all they have to do is click the link and their email will automatically be removed from your contact list so they never receive an email from you again.  That way, YOU don't look like annoying SPAM to your contacts.  All you have to do to activate the Safe Send is to click that button rather than your regular "send" button. has several other features, too.  I encourage you to visit their website to see how amazing this program is.  In my vocabulary, SPAM is a four letter word.  Wash out your inbox's mouth with today.  You'll be so happy you did!
