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Posted about 15 years ago

7 Privacy Policy Tips for Your Website

I recently read that only 5% of real estate agents post a formal Privacy Policy on their websites.  So, I did a little test of my own.  I randomly searched the Internet for real estate agent websites which asked for information from their website visitors.  I found that not one of them had a "privacy policy" posted anywhere on their site.

You would think that, since internet users are willing to share some very personal information via social networks, privacy would not be an issue.  However, these same internet users get very wary when asked for any personal information, even when it is just their email address.  Strange, but true.  They are willing to put family photos on My Space and let you know where they are having dinner on Twitter, but ask them for an email address and the sweat-beads begin to pop out on their forehead.

Why is this so?  Because they don't know you and you are the dreaded salesman/woman.  Sellers are afraid of you because you may make them sell their house and they know you will sell it for less than it's worth.  Buyers are afraid of you because, once you get their contact information, they will never be free of the "hound from h#!!".

Just as you must overcome these fears in the real world, you must overcome them in the virtual world.  But, how do you do that when you can't meet with them face-to-face?  You give them what they are looking for: a little reassurance.  You give them a Privacy Policy.  It does not have to be long or complicated.  As a matter of fact, you should keep it as simple as possible.  I found a great online privacy policy statement generator that was easy to use and only took a few minutes to complete.

7 Privacy Policy Tips:

   1. Start with a "thank you".
   2. Let your visitor know that their privacy is important to you and will be respected by you.
   3. Explain how their information will be used.  If you are adding them to your contact database, then disclose it.
   4. Give visitors an "opt-out" option.
   5. Ask the visitor to contact you by phone if they are still uneasy.
   6. Keep your Privacy Policy short, clear and simple.
   7. Link your Privacy Policy to every page on your website.

If you are asking website visitors to share personal information, even if it is only their email address, then consider putting your visitors at ease by posting a "privacy policy" on your website.  At the very least, include a simple statement such as "We will never share your information with anyone - ever!" and place it on every page that asks your website visitor for personal information.

Taking this little extra step may convert your next visitor into a prospect, who could then convert into a life long client.

Online Privacy Policy Statement Generator:
