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Posted about 13 years ago

Vanity URLs for Google Plus Profiles

Vanity URLs for Google Plus Profiles

As I discussed in a previous post,  is Google's answer to the Facebook "like" button.  It's a new project that allows Google users to share content that they have found useful with their friends.  It also helps promote favorite websites in the rankings (good old "Google Juice"). 

Google Plus profiles are still in their infancy.  Not everyone is able to get a Google Plus profile at this time.  However, if you do have one, you know that the URL for your profile is a long string of numbers.  It's not really catchy to send someone to a website with "1234567890" attached to it.  Wouldn't it be nice to get something more catchy like both Twitter and Facebook allows?  You can now change out the long string of numbers for a vanity URL for your Google Plus profile with .

The reason Google uses numbers instead of your username is because they are trying to cut down on the possibility of spammers targeting their members.  Most Google accounts use their gmail addresses, which would make it pretty simple for spammers to figure out. is a free account that allows you to choose a nick name for your Google Plus profile, plug in the actual URL for your profile and then create a new, user-friendly link that you can share with your friends, family, co-workers and business prospects.

If you have a Google Plus profile, get your own vanity URL at  Even though Google Plus is still in the beta phase, it will be rolling out to everyone eventually.  So, keep on hand.  Promoting your real estate business online is an ever-evolving process.  It is my job to keep you informed of those changes.  Let me know how Second Self can help you promote your business.

Pamela Cendejas, Real Estate Virtual Assistant - Second Self Virtual Assistance: When There Isn't Enough of You to Go Around!

Comments (2)

  1. I have to think that creating a vanity URL using these services will only help your G+ profile to rank better in the SE’s. You get a link back to your G+ profile that includes a nickname that potentially has SEO value. Even so I opted just do use my name when I created mine. Here it is in case you want to add me to your circle: Cheers, JB

  2. Pamela - is that service offered through Google or is it some 3rd party? I'm assuming Google will soon be rolling this out, no?