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Posted almost 14 years ago

Easily Add Link-Backs to Your Site With TYNT

Easily add link-backs to your site with TYNTTM.  Drive traffic to your site, increase your search engine optimization (SEO) and measure what exactly your readers find engaging on your site.  Your free account with TYNT will also make sure that a link is automatically added back to your site when someone copies and pastes your content somewhere else on the web.  That link goes right back to the page it was copy/pasted from...yours.

How does TYNT drive traffic to my site?
Every time someone pastes your content into an email, a blog post or another website, a link is automatically added at the end of the content that links back to the original page of the content pasted.  That means that, when someone clicks that link, they are directed right back to your website instead of the website where the copied text is pasted.  Your website traffic is on auto-pilot whether you are the one sharing the information or not.  This is especially good news for hyperlocal content that so many people are searching for and sharing with others.

How can TYNT improve my SEO?
Whenever your web visitor copies and shares your content, a link is generated.  The more people who share a link to your information, the more organic backlinks you have, which makes the search engines see your site as an authority on that particular subject which, in turn, increases your search engine ranking.  The higher your ranking, the more possibilities for a potential customer to land on your website and contact you for help with their real estate needs.  Pretty nifty, huh?

How does TYNT measure the engagement of my readers?
With TYNT Insight, you will be able to see what content is copied most to determine what your readers are engaging with the most.  Just because a page is viewed more than others doesn't mean that the reader found it useful for their purposes.  By gauging what content is copy/pasted, you will be able to see what content is great and what may need to be improved upon.

TYNT isn't just for websites either.  It can also be added to many blogs, including Blogger/Blogspot, Ning, hosted WordPress ( sites), TypePad, Tumblr, MediaWiki, iWeb and blogs hosted on and  TYNT Insight is absolutely free to use.  So if you want to track when and where your content is being copied and pasted, easily add link-backs to your site with TYNT.
