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Posted almost 14 years ago

Do Recent Issues Signal an End to Twitter?

Have you ever tried posting something on Twitter or even tried updating your Twitter profile and gotten the dreaded "Fail Whale"?  Earlier this week, I was trying to change the background on a client's Twitter account and was having trouble saving my changes.  At times, I couldn't even log into an account because the system was so busy.  That little whale has popped up on my screen so much lately that I was pondering the idea of abandoning Twitter altogether.  What's going on?  Is Twitter outgrowing itself?  Do the recent issues signal an end to Twitter?

Do recent issues signal an end to Twitter?

Recently, Twitter announced that it was aware of the problems that had been occurring with the network and has made strides to rectify the situation.  Some of these steps include:

  • Doubling Twitter's internal network capacity
  • Improving the monitoring of the internal network
  • Redistributing the load of traffic on the internal network so it flows better
  • Improving its page caching so that the page load times of its more popular pages is faster

Twitter is also hoping to get a better handle on its service and become more stable and reliable for its users by moving into its own data center in late 2010.  While this may not cure all the problems with the service, it is sure to help curb much of it.

Do recent issues signal an end to Twitter?  Does this mean that Twitter isn't as popular or worth the effort for your real estate marketing?  No.  It means that Twitter is growing at a rate of about 300,000 users a day and, like your teenager, is experiencing some serious growing pains.  With that many people using it, Twitter is still a good marketing tool for any business, even real estate marketing.  Have you been experiencing problems with Twitter lately?  What do you think of it?  Please let me know.  I'd love to get your opinion.

Comments (4)

  1. I agree - I love Twitter - but it's issues lately leave a bad taste in my mouth

  2. At 124 Million users and counting. I think it might be worth looking into. We just hired a social media marketing manager to get a handle on all of the social media explosion. People are finding new avenues to market via social media much like TV in its early years only with 10000% more growth

  3. Perhaps it should concern me, but I still haven't gotten on board the Twitter bandwagon. Don't see the value it might add to either of my businesses.

  4. You are right, its growing pains. Between this and the facebook issues we are going to see much more of this.