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Posted over 14 years ago

How Google Ranks Page Speed

We all know that content is king.  That will never change.  However, it is interesting to learn how Google ranks page speed when considering the value of a website.  While a higher loading page with little to no content will never outrank a page that is full of great info that happens to load at a slower speed, Google can give a little more weight to a page that loads faster than one with similar content but a lower load speed.

So, how do you keep good content without sacrificing page speed?  Don't overdo it.  You want to keep your site easy-to-use and not hard on the eyes.  Using too many widgets, videos, slideshows, etc. bogs down the load time.  Not everyone has high speed internet access.  And even those that do can find some pages taking a long time to load because of all the info the program has to read first.  Focus on the key elements you want your viewers to see and direct them to another interior page to get more details.  If a person gets antsy waiting for your page to finish loading, they will head on over to the competition that won't make them wait.

Google's goal is to rank the most relevant information highest in their search engines.  How quickly or slowly a page loads doesn't affect that at all.  However, making your website both user-friendly and quicker will not only keep your audience engaged, it will also help you stay above your slower competition in Google.

In the end, how does Google rank page speed?  It's not more of a priority than relevant content.  But, it is something that should be considered in your website's overall design.

Comments (3)

  1. What tools are best for measuring the load speed? Does Wordpress have a plugin for this?

  2. Thank you, Josh, for your valuable input.

  3. Speed definitely matters in the SERPS, Pamela. Improving load times is definitely important.