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Posted over 14 years ago

The Truth About Ghost Tweeting

I just read a great article by Mike McDonald at Web Pro News where he talks about the use of.  What is "ghost tweeting"?  This is where the tweets being tweeted on a person's account aren't actually being tweeted by them.  Just like hiring a ghost writer for blogs, articles, copywriting, etc., many Twitter users have taken to using ghost tweeters to handle their Twitter accounts.  Is this moral, ethical, trustworthy?  You have to ask yourself whether you are following someone because they are a "name" or because of the content of their tweets.  If you are following the "name", then you might be disappointed.  However, if you are following them because you value their tweets and the information they share, does it really matter that much if the tweets are actually tweeted from their very own fingers?  The information is the same, right?

Truth be told, ghost writing has been going on as far back as literature itself.  With all the social media outlets on the internet, it can be hard for busy people to keep up with everything themselves.  The fact that someone sees the value in places like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. shows that they understand the importance of social media in modern marketing.  So, don't be surprised or even disappointed to find that you are following may not have actually formed the words that are being written.  If the information is valuable, the source shouldn't necessarily matter.

Comments (1)

  1. One of my business partners is in the top 30 on Twitter for all of Austin. He was using some automated tools before Twitter supposedly banned them and we get a ton of visibility when he has his feed hit all of those eyeballs. I hate Twitter and think it is a spam wasteland. I generally post on LinkedIn and let Twitter pick up the first 150ish characters...if people get value out of it fine.