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Posted over 14 years ago

Bing! Microsoft Recognizes Importance of Social Networking

Can you hear it?  "Bing!"  That's the sound of the lightbulb going off over Microsoft's head.  Microsoft has recognized the power of social networking.  This computer software giant just announced that it will start adding status updates from both Facebook and Twitter in real-time to its own search site Bing.  Google has already responded by announcing that they, too, have signed a deal with Twitter to index updates in real time on their search site.

Twitter has begun to gain a valuable reputation for its use of real-time information.  Many times, news breaks first on Twitter before it even hits the major news sources, which is well ahead of search engines chiming in.  Yahoo! has seen the value in Twitter updates.  It created TweetNews, which ranks its news stories based on real-time posts on Twitter.

It's nice to see that the search engines are beginning to understand the importance of social networking.  I'm still baffled by those in the real estate industry that don't see what a valuable tool this is.  Don't be left behind.  Let this be your "lightbulb moment".  Get onboard the Twitter train today.

Comments (6)

  1. Hey Pamela - If you log in to the site before commenting, you'll get a link back to your profile on the comment and have your pic there instead of being semi-anonymous.

  2. Don't know, Jon. I just wish these people would put their talents to work for the benefit of the world instead of whatever perverted joy they derive from it.

  3. Hmmm, how do Twitter accounts get hacked? They find your password or some other way?

  4. Hi Joshua and Jon: I agree with both of you. I recently had to close a client's Twitter account after it was hacked. They no longer wanted anything to do with Twitter. I like Bing, too. Didn't know about the map being more thorough than Google - good to know.

  5. One good thing about Bing is that its map seems to find addresses that Google and the others can't find. This is big for me, as I am always looking for country properties on couny and farm to market roads.

  6. Twitter is definitely getting taken more seriously these days. Maybe they will take themselves seriously and deal with the horrific spam problem.