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Posted over 13 years ago

Stop Saying You Can Get Better Search Engine Placement for Me!

I have recently received a ton of unsolicited emails addressed to "undisclosed recipients" telling me that while they really like the way my website is set up, I could get a lot more traffic and visibility if I just let them take over my search engine optimization.  Stop telling me you can get me better search engine placement!  I already have 3 positions filled on the first page of Google, Yahoo! and Bing. And, I did this myself through organic placement.

Please allow me to step up on my soapbox for a moment.  (Thank you.)


  •  Do NOT send a blast email addressed to "Undisclosed Recipients" or any other generalized topic. - We know you are lumping us into a category with a lot of other people hoping that one of us will contact you.
  •  Do NOT claim to know about something you don't know. - You're just hurting your own reputation. You may be able to get a client but you will never keep them.
  • Do NOT send out a blast email that is not targeted to the correct demographic.  - You're wasting your time and mine. I don't need your service and will not contact you!
  •  Do NOT send out a blast email without doing your homework first. - Telling someone you have done something you obviously haven't done - like checking my current search engine ranking - does not make you look credible.  I WILL NOT contact you!
  • Do NOT send out a blast email without your contact information. -  Since there is no federally mandated "Unsubscribe" on your email, I will just block you.

I suspect these "experts" have attended an online seminar or webinar somewhere.  They were probably told how easy the program was to use, that they would make tons of money "while they sleep" and that people would jump at the chance to work with them.

There is no silver bullet when it comes to marketing - email or otherwise. It takes homework, hard work, a strategy and honest-to-goodness expertise.

I’ll step down off my soapbox now.  The soapbox is all your's.
