Wholesaling Houses and Marketing
I just posted a quote on twitter that I got from a marketing company trying to sell me on buying their particular post cards. I did not like their actual post cards but what I did like was the signature line that the marketing rep included.
This is what it said:
“A Person who stops advertisting to save money is like a person who stops a clock to save time.”
This is extremely true. If you stop marketing you will stop getting leads and if you stop getting leads you will stop getting deals and if you stop getting deals you will be looking for another JOB. You know what that stands for don’t you? Just Over Broke. Believe me you don’t want to go back to that lifestyle and if you are still there, say Hi to your boss for me
Why just today I have noticed that my lead count is getting a little low right now and that I need to put some more marketing dollars to get more calls. For some reason I always have to convince myself everytime!
Bottom line is you NEED to invest in marketing in order to make this business work.
Comments (1)
Amen brother. That's a great line I can tell myself when I'm getting lazy and putting off my advertising chores. Justin
Justin Pierce, almost 16 years ago