How small business owners can get grants for research
I want to put up my own business. Sounds easy, right? I hate to burst your bubble but it is NOT that easy! Putting up a business requires a lot of resources planning and a vision for long-term success ... And you read my mind right, MONEY!!! But not to worry I'll tell you all about GRANTS!
Before we drill down lets define the word Grant. Grant is a sum of money given by an organization, esp. a government, for a particular purpose (small business???)
Let us get into business
Just to set things straight this Government grants are no give away money. Government Grants are to exclusive business activities, non-profit organizations and scientific research and development. Grants are not for starting a business, paying off debt or other expenses. These are funding for research and research and development. But the government do offer a vast wide variety of low interest loans. So we still have hope to put up that business we are longing for.
Small Business Grants, which a few federal program provides, grant to small company engaged in scientific research and development (R&D), which receives R&D funding. The Federal government's SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) and STTR (Small Business Technology Transfer) are government