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Posted about 15 years ago

Dead Woman Gets Federal Stimulus Check


When I stumbled across this article today, it kinda got under my skin.

They sent out over a hundred thousand checks to dead people? What else is gonna happen?

Click Here To See The Article.

Folks I think that this administration is going to really mess up our economy worse than it is now. Here are my predictions... and why.

  1. Taxes will be raised in 2010. Some people forget that taxes are much deeper than simple income taxes. Sales taxes upon cigarettes, fuel tax, etc. However, There is no way that we can spend money without raising taxes across the board. When the promise was made not to raise taxes for folks under 200K was a lie. The taxes were raised already. On February 9th, the sales tax on Cigarettes went up over 258%.  The largest percentage of smokers in this country earn less than 200K. (For the record I do not smoke)
  2. Capital gains taxes will go up. That affects every investor I know who does not own property in their IRA. Right now Capital Gains tax is at 15% and in 2010 it is set to go to 20%. So if you sell a house and make 60,000 in profit, you will pay 12 grand in simple taxes. And I expect that to go up.
  3. Small Business taxes will go up. Most investors I know operate as small business's. We hire people. If my taxes go up, small business will protect the bottom line 1st. In order to protect the revenue, someone will not be hired.
Please, someone prove me wrong!!!!

Now Go Get A Free House.

Tony Severino

Comments (3)

  1. Millions of Americans on Social Security are receiving $250 checks as part of the president's stimulus plan -- including an Anne Arundel woman who died more than 40 years ago.

  2. Yep, Joshua, the taxes are going up on the poorer folks, and the scary part is that they fail to see it. ..... what was that saying, you can't escape death nor taxes... seems that you can still be paid while dead, however since you are passed away is that a taxable event? Tony

  3. Tony - Taxes have already been raised on the poor in the form of an increased cigarette tax. That said, I could see sending checks to a few hundred dead folks, maybe thousands, but to send the stimulus checks to over 100,000 dead people is beyond ridiculous.