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Posted about 15 years ago

Hanging Out With Ivanka Trump and Kristi Franks



What a day. I have not been surrounded by and hanging with more celebrities in my life... This is whom I spent the day with today.

Ivanka Trump.... Yep the Ivanka and yes guys she is easy on the eyes.
Bill Glazer.....

Peter Shea - Owner Of Entrepreneur Magazine and Entrepreneur

And Kristi Frank from the Apprentice

Ron Legrand.... my lunch Partner
and the very rough and wild

The amount of ideas about marketing and deal making is incredible when you get like minded people together.

Here are some of the tidbits ...

From Ivanka
She works 16 hours per day, 6-7 days per week... she started working in construction at the age of 14, on a job site.  About her dad. He does not like firing people and he takes it hard when he has to let someone go. And Yes she said he would fire her...

From Peter Shea

Definition of an Entrepreneur. Someone who is not afraid to lose.. He hates to lose, but is not afraid of it.

3 Reasons Entrepreneurs win.
#1 Too dumb to know they can fail
#2 Know the reasons they can fail and do it anyway
#3 Already screwed up a few companies and just gotta make one successful.

Lee Milteer-
If you take credit for the success you must also take responsibility for the failures too  People are waiting for the economy to come back... it isn't coming back it is changing and we must change with it.

and Kristi Frank... she said she like it when it rains in Chicago... Really folks that is what she said and why I am smiling.

I am out working on my business, not in my business. I have well trained people to take care of my compnaies.....

And we have had several successful people follow our leads. I am spending dinner Friday with a
student from New Jersey, a client who is negotiating a 700K house, with no money down and 0% seller financing on a free and clear house. He is busy in his "real job" and finds time to work on his business.


And Go Get a FREE House.

Comments (2)

  1. I agree with Josh. Celebrities are just people who are popular. Peter Shea just reached my hall of Thanks for posting this, Tom

  2. Personally, I don't understand the fascination with celebrities . . . that said, you got to get some wisdom from very successful people. What lessons did you learn from them is the question I'd go to, and it sounds like you got a few pearls of wisdom. My take on it is that these people aren't taking shortcuts, or working four hour workweeks. To reach the pinnacle of business success you must work hard, even if you've got a silver spoon. No?