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Posted over 15 years ago

Pricing Accordingly

Most sellers believe that the smart thing to do when trying to sell Miami homes is to price high and then lower this price as necessary.  This isn’t exactly wrong but it ultimately does not work in the seller’s favor.

The price isn’t as critical a component in a real estate ad promoting homes since most buyers will automatically assume that the Miami homes being sold are “new” anyhow.  What’s more, these ads will not push a buyer towards actually making the purchase.  It will in most cases push the buyer to call up the listing agent and inquire more about the property.  Since the home may not be what the buyer needs, they’ll likely inquire about other properties that do match their needs.

The more listing agents sellers have on their side, the wider the buying audience they have.  At the same however, this means that there are twice as many people browsing through Miami homes which makes the price even more important.  Set too high a price and the listing agent will gladly ignore your home and present the buyer with another one that matches what they’re in the market for.
