Why Closing on Your First Self Storage Deal Might Feel Terrible...
Logistically speaking, closing on your first storage deal is pretty straight forward. Its not all that much different than closing any other commercial property save a few industry specific nuances that I will touch on in a future post. Generally speaking though, depending on your state (and your preference/need for re-assurance) you will either use an attorney and/or a title company to facilitate the closing of your first storage property. These folks are the ones who will make sure you are getting what you pay for and nothing more, like pesky liens or other unwanted liabilities. It will also be up to you and your attorney to make sure that all the necessary pro-rations are calculated. This will ensure that you and the seller each pay and or receive you fair share of the rent, security deposits, property taxes, etc.
Beyond these closing day logistics, you will also be working in the days and weeks before closing to ensure that you can hit the ground running once you do close. I will reserve that discussion for a subsequent post though. For now, I want to move BEYOND logistics and talk emotions and psychology. Don't run away though, I promise its not too touchy feely! And I do want to share this with you because I would have LOVED to know this prior to buying my first deal. Here it is:
It doesn't happen to everybody but it is pretty common to be so
excited to “close” on your first property only to have it happen
and low an behold, there's no giant parade down main street. It can
even be a bit anti-climactic and, dare I say, underwhelming. This can
cause some folks, myself included (and that's why I share this) to
go “oh sh@t, what did I just do”....this potentially
life-changing event just happened and yet, I'm underwhelmed,
disappointed, a bit scared, etc. Believe it or not, this is fairly
common and even normal. Its like if you've ever run a marathon (or
worked for months toward some other goal if your not crazy enough to run 26 miles for fun)....there's a bit of a let down
once you cross the finish line. Its so common that runners have a
name for it. They call it the “post-marathon blues”. Just know
that this does not mean you made a mistake. It just means that you're
human and susceptible to all the same emotions we all are. Take a
breath and know that Storage can and will change your life....it just
doesn't happen at the closing table. It started happening when you
decided that storage was your ticket to a new life and it will keep
happening little by little (with some big jumps mixed in) in the
months that follow your first closing.
I hope that you are finding some value in my storage musings and would love it if you'd post comments or questions below. Its a great way to get engaged! I truly believe that immersion is the fastest path to success...so start immersing yourself by reaching out to me in the comments section below:)! And please be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out when the next post goes live!
Comments (6)
Great post. We had some similar feelings just when we signed the contract. It was almost like a "panic-how are we going to do this" mode. Glad to know we are not alone.
Summer Skinner, over 5 years ago
I'm glad you found some value in this post. I'm actually considering changing the name of this blog to "So Much More Than Just Self Storage"...as I think it would be fun to explore some of the psychology and emotions behind our storage investing. The things that drive us and the things that might hold us back. Fear is a big one! Kudos to you for pushing through and making it happen! Please keep us posted on your progress!
Michael Wagner, over 5 years ago
Thanks for another great posting! I have been following along for about a year now and have been reading back to many of your past comments/ posts here on BP. I am new to storage and hoping to make an offer on a property very soon. I have found the hunt to be fun and engaging to locate owners and find potential deals. I can see what you mean though, I think you have to enjoy the process as much if not more than the end result to be successful at any endeavor.
William Tidd, over 5 years ago
@William Tidd, Thanks for following along. Congrats on dialing in a potential deal. You hit the nail on the head...its all about enjoying the journey! So often we get so caught up on the "finish line" we miss the good stuff along the way. I too LOVE the hunt! Keep us posted on your progress!
Michael Wagner, over 5 years ago
Great info!!!
As you get older this is also true(51). I don’t have as much of the fearless attitude I once had. Trying new things and taking risks is the only way to be in a position to help others. I can say thou, self storage is exciting and a great sector!
Slater, over 5 years ago
Thanks for the reply Slater! You make a great point. I have always been big on Mitigating risk but as time goes by, I also seem to be emphasizing risk reduction strategies more than I did in my earlier investing days! It also opens up a good discussion on RISK in general. Many folks, especially new investors, think that the greatest rewards require the greatest risks. I don't find this to be true. Though risk can never be fully eliminated, I intentionally structure all of my deals in a way the skews the risk/reward curve in our favor. I seek out ways to minimize risk while retaining as much as the potential upside as possible. As investors, we have the power to reduce risk through advanced investing strategies and deal structuring without "settling" for pedestrian returns!
Michael Wagner, over 5 years ago