How I turned around a Self Storage Facility in just FOUR days!
I find that one of the biggest concerns new storage investors have is how they will deal with the transition into ownership. It can feel a bit like a big elephant and knowing where to start can feel overwhelming. So I thought I would shed a little light on the situation. What follows is an exploration of what it might look like to take over a struggling facility and get it turned around and primed for success in just FOUR days. This is a real life example from one of my recent projects and be warned that I go into pretty good detail. This property was 40% full when we bought it....just 18 months later, we are 93% full and have raised rates by 15-30%...and we even one the fancy award you saw in the picture tied to this post:) Here's how we did it!
The ownership transition actually begins long before closing. In a perfect world, you will be able to gain “access” or even better, “control” of the facility (primarily the management software and phone line) 7-10 days before closing. Doing so will allow you to start migrating to the automated remote management systems that I will teach you about in future blog posts (be sure to subscribe below if you want to hear about that).
Let's start by talking a bit about all of the things that you should be doing BEFORE closing
so that you can hit the ground running on day 1. These are the
things that I used to reverse 4 years of neglect at my most recent
project in only 4 days. I hope you will allow me to digress into an example as I
think it will help me paint this picture better than simply creating
a “To-Do” list for you. In April of 2018, I bought a 24,000
square foot facility in Florida, about 1100 miles from my house. As
you may or may not know, I had two young kids at home (I now have 3!)
and so my goal is to be away from them as little as possible. As
such, I set my purchase trip to last for just 4 days. And this
facility had been mismanaged for at least 4 years so this was not
going to be an easy task. Now, I think sharing what follows is a bit
“in the weeds” for this stage of the game but I thought you might
find it valuable to see the actual “To Do” list that I created in
anticipation of the Full Throttle Operational Overhaul that I outline
for you in the latter half of this post. Please don't let the next two pages overwhelm
you as it looks more cumbersome than it really is. My advice would be just to skim the list to get a "feel" for what the process looks like.
Bronson Self Storage – Closing Date: April 16th, 2018
Scan and send all signed docs to Woods Oviatt (attorney)
Before Closing: (April 1 – April 14)
Sales Tax – Await Certificate
Get NYS LLC Cert. Of Good Standing
File Foreign LLC Paperwork in Florida
File Fictitious Name Transfer
Bank of Castile – DBA after its filed.
Create New QB company with Mike's SW Card and B of C Savings
Transfer Phone
Name of phone provider: ATT
- Phone number: 800-298-2020
- Account Number: 1593XXXX87
- Account PIN/Password: XXX
- Account billing address
- Bronson Self Storage, 500 Commerce St., Bronson, FL 32621
Shopping List:
Makita Lock Cutting Saw and blades, Drill and Circular Saw
Drill Bits
Push Broom
2 Locksets
Cheap padlocks/overlocks
Pressure Treated 2 x 4's
Metal twine to tie signs to fence
Contractor Bags
Cleaning Supplies
Air mattress and pillow/sheets
Saturday: Arrive around Noon
- Home Depot/Walmart in Gainesville for above
- Change Office Lock
- Inventory all Units and create Master Lock Audit Template → Set up all ESS
- Cut and re-lock or Trash out all Abandoned Units (photo of any abandoned)
- Prepare Change of Ownership Letter in EasyStorageSoftware (ESS)
- Prepare Late Letters and Auction Letters in ESS
- Sleep in Office
- Gainesville Craigslist for day labor?
- Dumpster delivered in afternoon 352-353-0839: Do I need another?
- Daryl DLB Landscaping 352-555-0099
How far does he live?
Maintain Grounds and ask for 1 lock cut per month (as needed) and 2 lock audits
- Trash out and Clean Doublewide
- Mail Change of Ownership Letters
- Change Locks on Double wide
- Fix Skirting on doublewide.
- ATT between 8 and 12 (Rich not to cancel until phone ports)
- Email or Call Kelly to bind insurance
- Pick up signs at 9 am?
- Hang Signs and Remove Drop Box
- Change over Utilities, Internet, Water
- Greg from Gate and Camera between 2 and 4 (386-555-2329)
- Call town hall to schedule with Building Dept.
- Activate Sparefoot
- Create Google Adwords –
separate account
Tuesday: – Take Good Pictures for Website including buildings, gate, cameras and signs
- Electric Changeover:
Take photos of both meters with reading and meter number
- Bring warranty Deed or Settlement Statement and Driver's License to:
11491 NW 50th Ave, Cheifland FL, 32626 (352-555-2511)
- Make sure they have po box as mailing list
- Online account and autopay to SW card
- Gainesville Craigslist for storage ad
- Call all Delinquents (Cash or after ESS payments are active?)
- Friendly Late Letters to anyone under 30 days late
- Auction Letters to anyone over 30 days.
Wednesday: Flight bright and early.
the to do list above, the goal should be to render your facility as
rentable as possible as quickly as possible (in this example, four
days). By nature I am a roll up your sleeves and get it done kind of
guy but turning around a facility that needs the kind of work
required to double or triple value, requires that you delegate grunt
work and “manage” the labor you have at your disposal. No one
person can clean out 40-80 storage units by themselves in just 4 days!
Craigslist is an incredibly valuable tool as you turn your old
facility into a new one.
Using your “Lock audit list” (make many copies), start identifying which units are rented. Even if delinquent, don't touch these. You have to go through the proper process to deal with units that the previous owner had as rented on their rent roll. Some “empty” units will end up having stuff in them. You have to decide how to best deal with the contents. Some units will just need to be swept out. Other units with “Less than $100” of stuff can be disposed of—double check your state laws as the dollar amount varies by state! Decide if you should toss that stuff in the dumpster (costs you money) or if you can auction the stuff off (makes you money). Now bear in mind that the earliest you can have an auction will also be state dependent but will usually be at least six weeks away so there is a “cost” to holding the stuff for that time in that you can't rent that unit. If you have many other units of that size open, this might be a non-issue. You might also consider, consolidating the contents of several units into one and auction it all of as one. This way you free up several units for rent while not filling your dumpster with stuff that someone might actually pay you for at auction.
You might also sell or barter or give away stuff during your visit. Believe it or not, I was able to give away 14 mattresses at our Florida Facility. I simply put an add on craigslist for FREE and people came and took several at a time until they were gone. This was after I was quoted a $650 disposal fee from a junk removal company. I did the same with 9 old CRT televisions. The cost to recycle these at a recycling center was $20 per unit. I found them all a home in under 24 hours and saved that $180. Remember your roll is to decide how to process each unit and then pay someone (from Craigslist) to execute your instructions. As your laborers do this for you, you will be doing the tasks that only you as the new owner can do. You will be getting utilities switched over, forwarding the mail to your PO box if appropriate, meeting with service providers and contractors to get bids and interview them. You will also want to be continually updating your master lock audit list as your crew turns unrentable units into “rentable” or auctionable” units. And you will update your newly running management software to reflect the status of those units. Remember the goal is to have most if not all units “rented”, “rentable” or on the auction block by the time you leave.
After finalizing your lists, you will want to draft and send various letters to the appropriate customers. You will send a change of ownership letter to all customers introducing yourself and giving them instructions on how to get enrolled in your new online customer service portal. You will also send late letters and auction letters as appropriate. You want to move as fast as possible but also keep in mind that you are working to restore your facilities reputation and you want to be aware of how “aggressive” collection tactics will be seen by your customers. I like to give all customers a chance to reach out to me between each letter so that I can avoid sending the next letter to anyone who is being responsible and working to get caught up. I am also pretty flexible with honoring people at their word when they say they paid the old owner but didn't get credit. Of course this has to be done within reason but I rather lose $50 in rent than leave a bad taste in a customers mouth by accusing them of lying. They are not only a customer but if you can impress them, they will become a referral source for you too! Whenever customers come to the facility while you are there, stop whatever you are doing and go win them over. Make sure they know you have no immediate plans to raise rates and your only goal is to fix all the things that were wrong with the previous management. Tell them you are committed to serving them in any way that you can. Also tell them that you will pay them a referral fee for anyone who rents a unit from you and uses their name as a referral source.
Along these same lines, tell everyone you meet
that you just bought the Storage Facility down the road and are
looking to spread the word. Talk about it in the diner while getting
your morning eggs, tell the lady behind the desk at the post office,
tell the mailman who comes to drop your mail, etc. Where appropriate,
offer these folks...as well as any service providers a referral fee
as well.
I hope you are finding some value in my storage musings and would love it if you'd post comments or questions below. And please be sure to subscribe below so you don't miss out when the next post goes live!
Comments (17)
We actually are looking to purchase storage unit property in Chiefland and you're in Bronson around the corner! How can I get in touch with you?
Jenna, about 4 years ago
WOW! Fantastic read! Thank you for sharing this. I have read it numerous times.
Jason, over 5 years ago
Jason, Thank you! I appreciate your kind words and hope you've found some value in a few of the other posts as well. I've been slow in posting lately as our family of 4 grew to 5 but I truly do love sharing what I've learned along the way in hopes that it will help others!
Michael Wagner, over 5 years ago
Michael, I bought a facility in July and am feeling exactly what you said...a bit overwhelmed. I have no office/manager and use ESS. Can you explain what these “hires” from Craigslist actually do for you. This facility is sorta local to me, but I work a W-2 still...
Terry, over 5 years ago
Terry, the craigslist labor is largely just short term labor to "clean up" a facility. Mainly trashing out units, consolidating abandoned units that have some value to them. Move TV's and mattresses to a unit for disposal at a later date as they take up too much room in the dumpster, etc. I'm guessing you are past that part no that you are a few months in. So what you need is likely what I refer to as "boots on the ground". This is a person to handle all the physical tasks onsite. Lawn mowing, weed control, pest control, lock audits, overlocking, occasionally showing a unit, lock cutting as needed, reconciling the physical unit inventory with what's available online (making sure move outs moved out fully) etc. Its only 2-3 hours per week in my experience and is $15 per hour work. I pay $25-30 to make sure they are "all in" and treat the place like it is their own. Hope that helps some!
Michael Wagner, over 5 years ago
Great article and loved the details. We are not looking to buy our first long distance, but your plans seems very practical even for a local property. Thanks!
Kathy E, over 5 years ago
Kathy E, Buying close to home is definitely preferable on the first one! No need to add in the extra layer of REMOTE operation if you can find a deal close to home. That said, I would caution against "settling" for a B property just because its close by if there is an A property elsewhere. To me, you might choose a local B over a remote B+ but thats the extent of the "weight" that I would personally put on proximity. Best of luck in your search and please don't ever hesitate to reach out if I can serve you in some way!
Michael Wagner, over 5 years ago
Michael, I know you do out of state investing a fair bit. How do you find good workers/boots on the ground people? Do you just search craigslist and do phone interviews, or do you not hire until you meet in person? As well as is there any auditing of their performance? As it seems to me, that there aren't a ton of deals in my area for a number of reasons (low population, high commercial RE, lots of regional ownership of the 10k plus sq ft), so I'm starting to expand my search further out, but am trying to get comfortable with the idea of remote management and an understanding of how it works.
Dave Peirce, over 5 years ago
Good Question Dave,
This is the most "fluid" part of my remote management system. I have always found my boots on the ground somewhat organically. To be honest, I feel that I have been VERY lucky in securing good help. That said, there are things you can do to increase your chances of getting lucky! Here's how I approach it. IN the weeks leading up to closing, I start making contact with all the vendors I will need (landscape, pest control, gate repair person, any other contractor that might be needed given the work to be done at the facility) by searching craigslist as well as asking brokers, waitresses at the diner when I am their for due diligence, the mailman, police officer....literally anyone I run into while I am there. I use phone interviews to set meetings and meet with all of them while I am there. I start by exploring if they are a good fit for thier "usual" role...and then feel them out to see if they would be open to "doing some of these other tasks".
Given the relative ease of the tasks at hand, there are plenty of people that can fill the role "adequately"....BUT if you can find an A player and overpay them to be a Rock Star, you won't regret it. It's $12/hour work but since its only 2-4 hours per week, you can usually afford to pay $25 or more per hour.
FOr new investors the hardest part of all of this is simply "knowing you'll figure it out". This is an "unknown" that many investors let stop them before they even get started. My encouragement is to simply have faith that you will find the person when the time comes. It might be a bit of a pain point in the beginning if you aren't well practiced in "finding good help" but I find it always seems to work out;)
Michael Wagner, over 5 years ago
Michael, I know you do out of state investing a fair bit. How do you find good workers/boots on the ground people? Do you just search craigslist and do phone interviews, or do you not hire until you meet in person? As well as is there any auditing of their performance? As it seems to me, that there aren't a ton of deals in my area for a number of reasons (low population, high commercial RE, lots of regional ownership of the 10k plus sq ft), so I'm starting to expand my search further out, but am trying to get comfortable with the idea of remote management and an understanding of how it works.
Dave Peirce, over 5 years ago
Excellent info! I have been looking outside of my home market (Denver) and trying to figure out how to make it work with self storage. This helps a ton. Thanks Michael!
P.J. Reilly, over 5 years ago
Thanks P.J., I appreciate the kind words and wish you well on your search for storage. Please do let me know if you run into questions along the way!
Michael Wagner, over 5 years ago
Just starting to read your SS articles as we are looking to buy our first one! Lots of good information. What is your typical referral fee amount?
Terri , over 5 years ago
Good luck as you begin on your storage journey! When you ask about a referral fee are you asking about what I would pay in the form of a finder's fee to someone that brought me a deal? If so, I don't have a set flat fee and don't really actively solicit deals in that way (Though I am always glad to look at and pay for good opportunities). Simply put, I am willing to pay what a property is worth to me. So if someone locks one up at $250K and offers to assign it to me for $350K, I'll take it if its worth $350K. That said, if its worth $251K, that's what I would pay. How much a wholesaler makes is of no concern to me as long as I can buy at the price I am comfortable with. Does that answer the question or did I mis-read it? Happy to clarify or expand if needed!
I should also point out that for one to earn appreciable assignment fees from me, I expect for them to have done some leg work. Finding and locking up a deal is one thing but I also require them to "package" it up and show me why its worth what they are asking. The VALUE that a wholesaler is "selling" is the leg work. Too often, folks try and earn a large wholesale fee for simply pointing out a potential deal. I ask them to do a bit more if they want to work with me.
Michael Wagner, over 5 years ago
I love the depth of this post. It was quite helpful.
Account Closed, over 5 years ago
Thanks Account Closed! My hope is that what I put out into the world is valuable to folks as they explore if storage is the right path for them. Storage has been immeasurably good to me and i view it as my responsibility to share what I have learned with others. This blog is designed to do that and your feedback is encouraging!
Michael Wagner, over 5 years ago
Abundance mentality is key.
Account Closed, over 5 years ago