Analyzing the Financials of a Self Storage Facility
Simply put, I love self storage. The reasons for this love are numerous and far reaching but I'd be lying if I said that the underlying financials inherent to this industry weren't a primary draw. While the following is a gross over-simplification, I hope that it will at least serve as a point from which the budding storage investor can start from.
Below is a breakdown of the "typical operating expenses" of a self storage facility. Obviously these expenses are going to vary from market to market but when all is said and done, a well run storage facility can be run for approximately 33-35% of gross income with only minimal tending to by the principals.
Expense What to ExpectProperty Taxes Varies Considerably (I pay 7% of gross)
Insurance roughly 10 cents per year per square foot (2% of gross)
Advertsing 6% of Gross Rent: More in Year 1
Payroll/Benefits $12 per hour includes Workers Comp./Disability/Payroll
-roughly 8% of gross as hours required increases proportionally with size of facility
Office Supplies .5% of gross
Phone/Internet 1.5% of gross
Grounds Maintenance 3% of gross
Repairs/Maintenance 4% of gross
Trash/Water 1% of gross
Profesional Services 1.5% of gross
Miscellaneous .5% of gross
Comments (24)
I am converting a large Holiday Inn into 725 Controlled Storage and Outside storage Units if anyone is interested in working with me on this, there is a lot of room and a lot of money to be made.
Dr. Thomas Slack, over 5 years ago
This sounds like a super cool project. My bandwidth is spoken for at the moment but I hope you've gained some traction. Any update?
Michael Wagner, over 5 years ago
Mike, I'm in I would love to be involved in your group. I am looking to turn an old motel into storage
Anthony V Mari, about 6 years ago
Anyone can contact me via email listed with any and all questions. Always here to help.
Kristian D Pariseau Sr, over 6 years ago
Kristian D Pariseau, over 6 years ago
I've really enjoyed reading into your blog posts because everything is so relevant to my own self storage business. Even just to make sure that I've got everything going on track. Being such a young and new self storage facility in my locale, I need all the help I can get and especially some of this information in managing the financials of a new facility, it helps to set the stage for me to consider expansions in the future! So thanks, and keep posting! I'm definitely going to be tuning in!
Michael Maloney, over 6 years ago
Hey Guys,
In order to work all the bugs out of my system, I am looking for 10-15 people who want to learn about self storage for FREE.
I am looking for people who are serious about learning How to Invest in Self Storage to Beta Test the Self Storage Coaching Program that I am launching in the next month or so.
This Content Centered Educational Training Program Includes:
- 2 Phone Calls with me Every Month
- 1 Webinar with Me Every Month
During Each of These Three 1+ Hour Long interactions, my only objective is to teach you and everyone on the call/webinar as much as I possibly can about storage.
Additionally, I will give you the opportunity to submit questions to me before each call/webinar so that I can cater the education toward the areas that you need the most help with.
Comment below or message me privately if you would like to learn more about investing in self storage and I will be sure to get back to you.
Michael Wagner, almost 7 years ago
Hi Michael,
My husband and I are interested in learning more about self storage. Are you still offering this deal?
Jillian Heilman, over 6 years ago
Derrest Williams, about 6 years ago
I would definitely enjoy being a part of the BETA test training/coaching. I am a real estate agent in Columbus Ohio who wants to break into both investing and representing buyers and sellers in the SS world.
Robert Werts, over 6 years ago
IM interested in starting one in 2019. I already have a builder that is ready to go and im looking at purchasing an already build one. So, I am very interested and would love to learn more.
David Kumar, about 6 years ago
Hello Mike,
I'm interested in your offer of learning How to Invest in Self Storage to Beta Test the Self Storage Coaching Program
JR, over 6 years ago
Nice article about self-storage, much appreciated. We help self-storage community with a <a href="https://www.6storage.com">management software</a> , free customized website, digital marketing suite and rental centre.
Ramson, about 7 years ago
Thanks for posting these great blogs on here about SS. Could you break down exactly what you do in your due diligence phase? What steps do you go through to determine market saturation, rents, valuation, etc.? Thanks!
Brandon Gentile, about 9 years ago
HI Brandon,
As you suspect there's a lot that goes into the due diligence but its not as cumbersome as some other investments because of the small market (3-5 mile radius). If I am able to get my Workshop recorded and online, it will answer all those questions and more. Unfortunately, I don't have the bandwidth to answer them here but will definitely consider thos etopics for future blog posts as well. Sorry I can't spend more time now but my wife wants theplayroom painted and she wins:)
Michael Wagner, about 9 years ago
Mike Henson, over 9 years ago
Mike Henson, over 9 years ago
Mike Henson, over 9 years ago
@Michael Wagner
Great info!
Sam Zdrum, almost 10 years ago
Thanks Mike, It sounds like you really know what you are doing and I would love to learn more, however, right now I lack the capital to get into the storage biz. I said that storage was a great way to earn passive income but after reading some of you're blogs I realize now that it is far from passive lol. I would love to one day own enough duplexes and storage unit's to be able to earn a great living off of them. Right now I think ill keep my day job and focus towards improving the two rentals I currently own. Thanks for taking the time to respond. KG.
Koel Gaylord, almost 12 years ago
Thanks for the comments Koel Gaylord! You are absolutely right that a full investigation into the market/competition is a crucial component of the due diligence required prior to investing in any given storage facility. You are also right to point out that the costs to acquire an existing facility can differ greatly from the cost to develop from the ground up. Believe it or not, it can actually be more or less depending on the market. Costs to operate (once stabilized) are comparable though. As for the manager living on site....they still exist but that is somewhat of a dated "strategy". It is viable in some markets but entirely unnecessary in most. I actually have an apartment at my facility but do not rent it out to the manager. Instead we are dividing it into office space for myself and one of my customers (I got into storage to get OUT OF apartments, not into it!:) Please feel free to contact me with any questions that come up as you explore this investment niche! Mike
Michael Wagner, almost 12 years ago
Mike Henson, over 9 years ago
Interesting view of the financials Mike. If your manager doesn't live on-site, how do you rent units? Do they call a number or is he there M-F 8-5? Who handles the renting of units on the weekend? Do you have a part-time manager for that? Are these employees or independent contractors? How much do you pay them? Do you give them a bonus % depending on the vacancy of the storage facility?
Account Closed, about 9 years ago
Hi, thanks for the article. I considered the storage unit's myself. Low overhead, passive income, and a constant need that's brings cash. However, most facilities have an on site mgr that lives there so that would be extra costs. Making the numbers work might depend on wether you're building a new facility or buying an existing one in my opinion. Before I would get started I think I would find out what other storage facilities capacity is, ie., are the full, struggling to fill spaces? If there is a need, it would be a great way to make some great cash flow...KG
Koel Gaylord, almost 12 years ago