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Posted almost 15 years ago

Real Estate Coaching : The Number One Reason Why Investors are Not Successful

Did you know that fear is the number one reason why people don’t do lease options real estate investing or any work at home business?  Actually, fear is the number one reason people don’t do anything.  Fear is a mindset that paralyzes you from taking any action.  Think of it; before you think about doing something, your mind has already cancelled it out.  You think about losing some weight, jogging, getting healthy, eating right, and your mind says, “Let’s just wait until tomorrow.  Let’s just watch this TV program.”  It thinks you out of it, therefore, couple that with many days, many week, many months, or maybe many years of that type of thing and it cancels out any thoughts of doing anything.  Fear paralyzes you and it’s the number one killer of peoples’ dreams.


Don’t think that lease options don’t work.  Just do lease options.  If you think you can do business but have doubts, do it anyways.  Give it a try.  Stop thinking about it. That will cure your fear.  Everybody starts off by crawling before they walk, then jogging and running.  You may make some mistakes and you can build on and learn from those mistakes.  Your first deal may be very different from your tenth deal, or your fiftieth, or one hundredth deal.  Everybody has to go through the first one.


After you do the first one, magic happens.  Know you can do number two.  If you do number two, you can do number three, number thirty, number three hundred.  Everybody from new investors to mid and seasoned investors, as well as the super gurus; everybody has to pass through number one.  Just do it; don’t think about it.  Don’t let your fear kill it.  Just go out there and do it.  You may make mistakes, but that’s how you learn.  That is how you become successful, one step at a time, one day at a time; you’ll get there.  I guarantee it.


What makes you think that you can make money in this marketplace?  The number one thing people are afraid of is fear, yet fear creates opportunities.  Really, any time you have a problem, there is a solution to it.  There is a problem and here comes a solution.  You really can’t have a solution if you didn’t have a problem to begin with.  Those two things are inverse relationships.  Problems=solutions.


For example, if you were jogging and you sprained your ankle and it really hurt badly, and you came to me and said, “Fix my ankle.  I just sprained it.  It’s really bad and I can’t even walk right now.  I may have to even take an x-ray to see if it’s broken,” that’s a problem, yet I don’t have the solution for you. It doesn’t mean there is no solution to your sprained ankle.  You may have to see somebody else, maybe a foot doctor, so there is a solution to every problem.  When you understand that, you should embrace your problems; embrace your adversities because in every adversity and every problem an opportunity arises for a solution. 


I can tell you that when I look at my life and what I’ve been through, every major adversity in my life has led to something great.  The Vietnam War - I did not ask for that war and we did not ask to be torn by that war.  Our family had to flee the country to come to the United States, but that war led us to this country, and now we have an abundance of opportunities and it’s really a great country to live in.


Coming from Vietnam, my mom passed when I was young.  We didn’t have that motherly love.  My father raised us and he was more like a military drill sergeant.  We really had to take care of ourselves.  In a sense, I was an entrepreneur even at a young age.  We had to know how to wash our own clothes, cook meals when my father was working, and just do a lot of things for ourselves.  That taught us entrepreneurial skills early on and the number one trait of entrepreneurs is that they take initiatives to make things happen. They don't wait around for things to manifest on it's own. So from an adversity of growing up motherless, we learned this critical survival and business trait. I’m glad for that because I hate working for somebody else.  I can’t work for somebody else.  It’s because I learned those skills from not having a mother around, because we were all training to be entrepreneurs since we didn’t have two parents giving us that comfort, motherly love, and guidance that we would have loved to have.  Not having a mother really led to everybody in the family having their own business.


Coming over here on the boat, we fled Vietnam on a boat that on average fits about 40 people.  That night, 420 people were on that boat.  420 people were on a boat that averagely fits 40 people.  We had to go through a lot of adversity to get to this country, risk our lives for a chance at a better life.  There are no guarantees that we would survive and make it alive thru the long and dangerous journey.  There were no guarantees that we would survive that trip.  It actually lasted three weeks on the high seas.  We were pirated seven times, but because we risked our lives, we made it here and we are very appreciative of being alive, being in this great country, and making a life for ourselves.  That trip on the boat was a good thing looking back at that adversity.


It allowed us to appreciate things and allowed us to be diligent in what we do and we love what we do.  Growing up in this country, not knowing how to speak the language and not having money, not really knowing anybody when we came over was really a challenge.  It was really different yet we learned to accept our condition.  We learned to accept the culture and to adapt.  That has allowed us to flourish.  I have friends who were born here and they’ve never been poor.  They’ve never been in a place that is different.  They take a lot of things for granted.  We don’t overlook or underestimate anything, we just appreciate it all.


If you look at the stats of a lot of foreigners who come into this country, they are very successful simply because they see a difference in what this country can provide for them.  Being poor was actually a good thing.  Being poor allows you to know how to be rich.  You never know how to be rich unless you’ve really been hungry and poor.  Growing up and struggling in this country has been a good thing.


The tragedy of 9/11 in my life was a good thing.  When I got out of school, I was a financial advisor, financial planner, insurance salesman for five years, until 9/11.  Until 9/11 happened, I was doing financial services, yet 9/11 turned my business upside down and I pretty much lost it in one day.  That tragic incident happened to the United States and it also happened to my business.  I had to look and search for something else, and that led me to real estate.  This is why I’m giving you these audios today, because of the tragedy of the 9/11 incident that changed my business from financial services to real estate.


I tell you; in every turn in my business as well as in my life, it’s been one adversity to another, but at each adversity there was 'ALWAYS' an opportunity equivalent or greater.  In your life, maybe you need some adversity.  Maybe you need to have your back against the wall, go through some really hard times, and see the wisdom in those experiences. And perhaps the opportunities will rise from that.  We are really just animals that are learning how to survive.  If you are hungry enough, you will find food to eat.  It’s a natural, human instinct.  Most people are just never put to that test so they have never had to apply that natural instinct.  I guarantee you; if you’re hungry, you’ll find something to eat.


Remember when there are adversities, there will always be opportunities.  If you have that mindset, you will love to embrace your problems.  You will love and embrace your situation because those situations will always lead you to a better place.  That is a guarantee because problems equal solutions; solutions equal problems.  Those two things are inverse relationships and they will always parallel each other in your work at home business or in your life.  I guarantee you this is a universal law that only experience and wisdom can teach you.


If you like more information to help you in your business or life, visit and we can help you in taking your business to the next level.

