They called me a slumlord
I started investing
Several years ago
I started quite small
A duplex you know
And then another house
And four the next year
The people that knew me
Thought I had no fear
"Oh so you're a slumlord!"
They said quite in jest
And kind of laughed at me
Even though I was doing my best
I worked and invested
And it took me a while
But they're still at their day jobs
And I have to smile
They called me a slumlord
Oh they made such a gaffe
While they work, I sleep in
Now who has the last laugh?
Comments (43)
Haha... so good.
Jon Huber, about 10 years ago
@Dawn Anastasi, There's a lot of positive things to be said about buying a property at a low price and nurturing a positive cash flow. It's gets even better when you own that property in less time because of the low entry purchase price. Excellent work!
Anne James, about 10 years ago
You have quite a following Dawn. Great Poetry experience!
Kingsley Siribour, over 10 years ago
Great poem !
Leslie A., over 10 years ago
Haha Brilliant! I will print this out to hang in the office as a reminder why I am working at this. :)
Account Closed, over 10 years ago
Wow, thanks, I never thought anyone would ever print out anything I wrote and hang it somewhere. Certainly an honor! :)
Dawn Anastasi, over 10 years ago
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
- Albert Schweitzer
Steven Mathewson, over 10 years ago
Haha, bravo!
Frankie Woods, over 10 years ago
Wow! Great presentation of real estate life.
Toyin Dawodu, over 10 years ago
Love it!! You could have the nicest rental in town and still be called a slumlord by your friends. It's because they're jealous!
Amy A., over 10 years ago
Love it!
Janice Harvison, over 10 years ago
I really like that one! I consider slumlord more of the way you treat people than where you have homes. I started in the inner city.
Account Closed, over 10 years ago
Love the post. Keep up the good work!
Heston Thomas, over 10 years ago
Dawn, you've created a new hyphenate: poet-investor!
Melanie M., over 10 years ago
Great post!
Just love the comments from those seeing success and say "If I Had Your Money" to which I bite my tongue from saying "You'd Be Broke In Bed Right Now!"
Darron Stewart, over 10 years ago
its funny- i hear the same thing, but i thought it was just the latest way to give me a hard time. cant wait until it accelerates to the no job point.
Pete T., over 10 years ago
Someone has to be a slumlord. Not everyone can afford to drive a Lexus. There is nothing wrong with selling used $1000 cars to people who want them and can't afford anything better at the moment. Same with renting houses in the slums for slum prices. It is an honorable way to make a living!
Rick Grubbs, over 10 years ago
When I grow up, I want to be like Dawn!
Susan Velasquez, over 10 years ago
Maurice Brantley, over 10 years ago
Brian Lee, over 10 years ago
Ashley E., over 10 years ago
I guess this is what you might call poetic justice. :)
James Samudio, over 10 years ago
Wow, such great response! I'm going to have to write more of these I guess!
Dawn Anastasi, over 10 years ago
Account Closed, over 10 years ago
Alan Charles, over 10 years ago
Great post...people thought I was nuts leaving my corporate job
Mike Clark, over 10 years ago
Love it Dawn. Can't wait to be a "slumlord" too!
Michael Lemieux, over 10 years ago
Very good @Dawn Anastasi ! Brings a big smile to my face!!
Walter Ichikawa-Doyle, over 10 years ago
@Dawn Anastasi I think you need to get a side gig as a DJ lol :)
Awesome post!!!
Gautam Venkatesan, over 10 years ago
Jeff Rabinowitz, over 10 years ago
Pure Genius! Love it!
Hayden Gerstner, over 10 years ago
I can just imagine @Will Barnard doing it.
Darren Sager, over 10 years ago
Someone needs to lay down a beat to this!
Andrew Syrios, over 10 years ago
That's awesome!
Chris Pastrana, over 10 years ago
Nice ;)
Engelo Rumora, over 10 years ago
like it
Patrick Bross, over 10 years ago
Brilliant, bravo! Thanks for sharing.
Rosalina Brenda Berk, over 10 years ago
Tara Piantanida-Kelly, over 10 years ago
Very nice, Dawn!
Ezra Nugroho, over 10 years ago
Awesome, Dawn!
Joshua Dorkin, over 10 years ago
Very creative, Dawn!
Karen M., over 10 years ago
I like it :)
Dave Visaya, over 10 years ago
that great the one who laughs last laughs the longest. you go
Pat Gase, over 10 years ago