Differences between i.e. and e.g.
Okay, sometimes I'm a stickler for grammar (and sometimes I'm not -- but then again, sometimes I feel like a nut and sometimes I don't). Good writing skills are essential in real estate when you are communicating with others and want to be professional.
Just a quick tip (quick tip!) on using i.e. and e.g. in written communications:
Use e.g. when you have an example to share.
I like single-family rentals (e.g. the 3-bedroom house on Oak Street).
Use i.e. when you would say "that is to say".
I like small properties (i.e. anything under 2-3 bedrooms and 1,000 square feet).
Okay, now that I've given my grammar lesson for today, you may resume your normal business.
Comments (6)
Ha ha. I'm reading all your blog posts thinking " yeah, kinda know that already, but it's a nice reminder" and I get to this and think Wow, my useful lesson for today. I never really knew the difference between these 2!
Go figure!
Kevin Auyong, about 10 years ago
Love it! Thank you, thank you thank you for pointing out that good writing skills are important in real estate! I get so annoyed when I read a book that's written poorly by a so-called expert. I'll usually stop reading because a) I can't understand what they're trying to say, b) I'm kind of annoyed and c) I figure, they can't be THAT successful, they don't even have the money to hire an editor! There are 100 other examples, but mostly, I'm laughing! So glad to find there are other grammar nerds on BP. haha
Karin Crompton, over 11 years ago
Yep -- another pet peeve of mine as well...
Joshua Dorkin, over 11 years ago
haha! another out-of -the-closet closet grammar nerd. I'm so glad. QUICK TIP!! to remember e.g., just think "for EG-zample"
Jean Bolger, over 11 years ago
Quick Tip! Funny - I never knew this before. I don't think I've ever used either - because I didn't wanna do it wrong :) Thanks Dawn Anastasi
Brandon Turner, over 11 years ago
And both are mutually exclusive with etc.
Jeremiah B., over 11 years ago