Change for landlords in WI
The Wisconsin Attorney General just issued a formal legal opinion that states that it is legal for a residential landlord in Wisconsin to require an outgoing tenant to pay to have the carpet in the unit professionally cleaned and to include such a provision in the rental agreement.
Previously, requiring the carpet to be professionally cleaned upon leaving their unit was against state statutes in WI. I recall being a tenant and having that mandate put on me; I had no idea at the time that the landlords I was living under were violating that statute. (I'm sure 90% of current tenants didn't know this either.)
Having carpets professionally cleaned was against state statute 134.06(3)(c) due to the "normal wear and tear" element. However, it's interesting to note that a landlord may still NOT deduct this cost from the tenant's security deposit! (And this is even if it's stated in the lease!)
Comments (1)
Sorry - but to an Okie that's kinda hilarious. I'm not recommending this and have never done it but the Oklahoma statute actually only forces you to return a tenant's deposit if the tenant demands it in writing within 60 days of terminating their lease. I don't think there is ANYTHING on the books that tells one how to clean carpets, or not clean carpets, as the case may be.
Deborah Burian, over 11 years ago