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Posted over 15 years ago

Are You a Conscientious Objector?


Lately I have been getting bombarded with calls from across the country from novice investors asking about the foreclosure market in Kansas City.

Is it really true we can buy properties in Kansas City for $5000 -$10,000?

Is it really true we can get hard money loans with no money down?

Is it really true there are lenders in Kansas City that will sell rented foreclosures in their portfolio and owner finance them with almost nothing down?

I have to admit to them that the answer to their questions is yes, it is true.

My problem comes when they ask me to facilitate these deals for them.

My answer is No.

Don’t get me wrong. Selling investment properties is my passion. I am very good at it. It puts food on my table and allows me to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. It allows me to sleep well at night.

I have to tell them no because most of the deals that sound too good to be true are just that.

Too good to be true.

Typically, the above mentioned scenarios are high risk properties in high risk areas.

The amount of rehab needed is hard to calculate due to the vandalism and theft that can occur the minute the workers leave for the day.

The cash flow is hard to calculate due to the undesirability of the area for the majority of tenants leaving you wondering if the property will be occupied more than it is vacant.

The true return is hard to calculate because the hard money loans must be refinanced in 6 months and because there are no good comps, most conventional lenders won’t touch these properties.

The owner financed scenario is worse because they are letting you assume the note of some other uninformed investor that owed 200-300% of actual value and wasn’t able to refinance and let the property go back. The tenant only looks good on paper and hasn’t paid in months, the rehab was a cosmetic Band-Aid, and you don’t have any better chance of refinancing than the last guy.

The last issue is this.

There are good reasons conventional financing is tough right now. Close to half of the foreclosures in our market are investor properties.

Investors with good intentions and lots of enthusiasm.

They only thing they lacked was proper guidance and cash reserves.

Proper guidance to make wise decisions on the properties and the areas they were investing in.

Cash reserves to cover the “Oh Crap” factor.


Oh Crap, My tenant moved out and it took me 3 months to replace them.

Oh Crap, The furnace went out. Its $2500 to fix it.

Oh Crap, My hard money note is due and I can’t refinance.

This is truly a snapshot in time to make lots of money in Real Estate. There are some great deals available right now.

Be a Conscientious Objector and help your client say No when it matters most.

Comments (2)

  1. I loved the post. I have been in the KCMO area with about 8 SFR's. Got a couple hood homes but bought them right so the perform well. I was curious if you knew any portfolio or private money lenders in the KCMO area that will do cash out refis? I would appreciate your knowledge in the area. Thanks


    Donnie Strybos

    Potential Properties, LLC

  2. Great post! If you have or run into any SFH's in Raymore, or other good areas in Kansas or Missouri, let me know. We are looking for good quality rental properties around KC. By the way, my wife and I live in Shawnee. Our goal is to get up to 25 rental properties in the next 8 years.