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Posted over 15 years ago

Foreclosure Forum for Agents and Homeowners

Being in the non-traditional RE field for over 7 years now has really put me at the front seat of watching a boom market go bust, as well as watch the tide of investors/agents go in and out with the economic fluctuations.

I've always loved what I do because it's so interesting, challenging, and educational. What's upsetting though is watching, in any market, as unscroupulous persons creep into the market to take advantage of the fragile and less-savvy consumers (homeowners), and give us all a bad name.

Because our business has grown exponentially in the last couple years, we're also growing in the communites that we serve, and I'm proud to say we're doing an informational forum for homeowners and RE pro's, taught by a local RE expert Attorney, William Kozub.

Best of all, it's FREE. We do hold training workshops for professionals and investors, but in this case we are doing an outreach because of the demand for this information.

No one that is facing foreclosure deserves to be taken advantage of, no matter how they got in the position.

If you're in AZ, I hope you can join me at this event and learn the legal in's and out's of the options to foreclosure.

Being an informed professional is the next best thing we can do from the ground up to help clear up some of this mess! Hope to see you there!

To your success!

